'05 Mustang Convertible | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'05 Mustang Convertible


Elite Zoom Zoomer!
August 10, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Newport News, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Ranger
Just a few more days until their official debut at the 2005 Los Angeles Auto Show. I'm very curious as to what they're going to look like in person. Guess I'll have to wait a few more months to find out.


  • RedfireVert-4.jpg
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FUGLY Imho, but it took a while for the last model year to grow on me

Hard Tops look awsome, softies look like crap.

Haven't seen it with the top up, but add the thick roll-bar thing across the top and that thing, imo, looks bada$$

It loses some of its beauty with the coupe but THAT is still sweeeeeet!

:thumbsup: here

Not bad, but I'm still disappointed in what the rear of the new Mustang looks like. It needs a blackout panel between the lights, chrome rings around each section of the lights, and a "real" bumper on the back. I've seen one from one of the tuners (Steeda maybe?) with the rear end modified, and it looks mucho better.

I'm also concerned about visibility out of the vert for those of us who are over 6'. I sat in an '04 vert at the dealership when I got my Mach, and with the seat back and down as far as I could put it, my line of sight was directly into the cross bar on top of the windshield :(. Hopefully the new body style fixes that problem.

Yep, that's what I meant...now it needs some chrome bezels for the taillights and a more distinct rear bumper. The front looks great, but they blew it on the tail.

We debated waiting for the '05 but went with the '04 Mach becasue of Ford's history of 1st year problems, the limited production of the Mach, and the performance....

I do not like the vert much at all, despite loving the coupe. With the top up in that rear shot it looks like a Sebring :thumbdwn:. Maybe my opinion will change when i see one in person. I will admit, the 05 coupe's look even better in person than they do in pics.

I'm betting most of you will like it once you see it in person. Just a hunch. ;)

I thought the new Mountaineer was ugly until I saw it in person. Now I think it looks better/nicer than the new Explorer.

I've seen quite a few in person, and I still don't like the tail end....

I saw it in person at the car show. Exterior is great, very sharp with attractive lines and an unmistakable Mustang look. Wasn't impressed with the interior, the V6's interior is very poorly constructed with cheap overly grainy plastics, much less appealing than the current interior. The GT is better with the leather wrapped wheel and metal inserts but still nothing fantastic.

wired_af said:
Still looks pretty sweet. I don't like the wheels, arn't those from previous style mustangs?
Yea, those are what are refered to as "Bullitts" and have been around since Y2K (i think that was the year).

james t said:
Yea, those are what are refered to as "Bullitts" and have been around since Y2K (i think that was the year).

Yea thats the year James.....Bullits seem to be popular. Doesnt Spas have them on the Xplor?

I think the Bullit rims look awsome on the new stangs, however I do not like them on the convert. above

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Okrazie1 said:
You mean like this guy did to his GT?

Now THAT looks sweet. I wonder why Ford isn't offering that as an option?
