1163hp Ford 6, WOW! | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1163hp Ford 6, WOW!

Actually if i remember right they are planning to release the Falcon in the US.

yeah but they will probably give us some junky(underpowered) engine, not monster turbo diesel.

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oh, i'm sure with the fuel crunch, the release of 25+ 30 mpg cars into the marketplace, ford will put a focus drivetrain in it, and it will slide right into the 1.9 liter range. I'm not getting my hopes up....

Its too big for the Focus engine.

The crying shame is that in fords globalisation we will drop the str8 six and addopt your V6 for our base model falcons, now that was really ****ty news, these engine make 700hp so cheaply and easily, SCT produced a flash tune for the current models and for about $5k your 320hp 14 second ride becomes a flat 11second missile, we now run a 6 speed manual or a ZF 6 speed auto which is really sweet. So this year I'm going back to a falcon and now may go with our quad can variant or your 5.4 ltr triton engine, which easily makes 6-700hp with a yella terra blower and flasher, but will cost more like 10k

Those of you interested should youtube xr6t and see some footage of them at the track
