1991 rear intermittent wiper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1991 rear intermittent wiper


Elite Explorer
June 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fort Valley, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
My Navajo doesn't have an intermittent rear wiper and I've come to the conclusion that I could really use one. Did any of the '91 - '94 series come with one so I could just pull the switch and replace it? If not does anyone have a good way to modify it and still keep the general look?

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they didn't come with an interminttent wiper, i would think you could make one though.

what i would do, keep in mind this is what i would do not what i've done, but trace down the power wire that runs to the motor of the wiper. then put a *DAMN I FORGET WHAT ITS CALLED* electical component on the power wire. and test. i'm going to try and think what kind of part i'm thinking of
maybe someone can help me out

If you can think of what it's called then that would be cool. I have a vague recollection of something like that but can't think of what it might be.

damn its 8 hours later and i still can't remember, its something where after power flows though it it heats up *this would take only a matter of seconds* and clicks off until it cools down enough to click back on. Its very similar to the thermal turn signal flashers....damn what are those thigns called

Originally posted by EliteConcept
damn its 8 hours later and i still can't remember, its something where after power flows though it it heats up *this would take only a matter of seconds* and clicks off until it cools down enough to click back on. Its very similar to the thermal turn signal flashers....damn what are those thigns called


yeah, that sounds like what a relay does.... afterall, a relay is just a low draw switch..... maybe you could also be thinking of a variable resistance switch?

I didn't think a relay operated like that. I was thinking of something like whatever the blinkers use. Don't they have something like that where it charges up and then switches on?

The turn signal flasher does use a little metal tab that heats up, and bends,contacting the other side of the circuit...Maybe you could use one of those.....

Hmm, that's how those work?

I did some google research and found a pdf diagram on how to design my own. Unfortunately, it's been a while since I've looked at these things so I'm not sure I remember enough to wire it up just yet.

I also saw that other vehicles typically used a four post relay and the "quick" solution on most of them was to just replace the switch and relay from a later vehicle. I don't think the switch on the 91 is the same as the earlier ones but I'll have to rip apart a coworkers 98 and see what it does.

A relay does just as the name implies...it "looks" for voltage to be applied on one circuit and turns on (or off) another circuit. and example would be a "switched" outlet on the back of a stereo amplifier...when you turn the amplifier on the outlet on the back turns on another device like a fm tuner or cd player.

The turn signal flasher idea would probably work but if used alone it would only probive one speed (I think). Maybe if you vary the current to the flasher, causing it to heat up at different intervals?

Just my 2 cents. Good luck.
