1997 seat swap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1997 seat swap?


Well-Known Member
August 23, 2012
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Manchester, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Ford Explorer XLT
I have a 1997 Explorer XLT with the 6-way beige power seats with power lumbar and manual recline. They are leather, and i find leather disgusting. What model years of explorers match up with each other in terms of cloth seats? Or can I take seats from another truck? They have to be the 6-way power seats. I could care less about it having lumbar controls, and a memory switch would be an added bonus. Thanks!

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Im not sure on the power issue but I do know that seats from 95-2001 explorers, Sports, and Mountaineers are interchangeable. I have a 98 Sport with 01 seats (non power) that bolted right in. The "junkyard gurus" told me that if i wanted power seats i should take the pigtail from the donor truck with me though.

Im not sure on the power issue but I do know that seats from 95-2001 explorers, Sports, and Mountaineers are interchangeable. I have a 98 Sport with 01 seats (non power) that bolted right in. The "junkyard gurus" told me that if i wanted power seats i should take the pigtail from the donor truck with me though.

What's the "pigtail"? And thanks for the info!


My seats suck!

Funny. I'm trying to get leather seats in mine so they clean easier haha. Subscribing

Thanks everyone for your help. Anyway, I decided not to do the seat swap. The main reason being that my dad said no, and with him being the title holder, I have pretty much no say. But I've decided it isn't worth fighting him for it, because I found out that the seats are actually vinyl. And once I found that out, I've actually become quite fond of them, now that I know I'm not sitting on a dead animal. And once they warm up/cool down, they're pretty comfy. But I do have one more question - Is my steering wheel (basic, no audio controls) wrapped with vinyl or real leather? And if it is real leather, are there any models that use rubber instead? Thanks everyone!

Pigtail refers to the electrical plug from the donor vehicle. Real leather is not found in vehicles like our Explorers, it would cost big bucks, and it is much cheaper to just use vinyl. Not that it is any of my business, but why do you not like leather seats? Real ones are super comfy, and last much longer then their vinyl counterpart.

Pigtail refers to the electrical plug from the donor vehicle. Real leather is not found in vehicles like our Explorers, it would cost big bucks, and it is much cheaper to just use vinyl. Not that it is any of my business, but why do you not like leather seats? Real ones are super comfy, and last much longer then their vinyl counterpart.

I just don't like the idea of sitting on a dead animal, it makes me want to vomit.

Go to either an implement store like tractor supply or hit a shoe or boot store. Something that sells lots of leather shoes, construction boots etc. Or just by this online. Doesn't need to be the kiwi brand it can be anything. But your looking for saddle soap. Works great for restoring and cleaning leather so whenever you get the creepy feeling you can clean it and it doesn't feel so bad. Simply use a small amount and rub it on. Let it set for 15 minutes and then feel it. If it still feels dry or looks dirty rub some more into the leather. I restored a friends F150 king ranch leather to near new status after about four or five applications. I've used it on other fords with leather also. Keeps any leather products clean, supple and looking new.


I like my "pleather" but the cloth seats have the mechanical lumbar - as far as I know is exclusive to the cloth seats. I like the "leather" interior but I like everything to work properly over specific material

I like my "pleather" but the cloth seats have the mechanical lumbar - as far as I know is exclusive to the cloth seats. I like the "leather" interior but I like everything to work properly over specific material

I usually prefer mechanical lumbar, as the airbags for the power lumbar nor have holes in them, so the lumbar dies down.
