1998 Driver Side Mirror | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Driver Side Mirror


April 5, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Limited 5.0L
Hey, I got my driver side mirror ripped off in a roll over. There's several options for a replacement on rock auto but I'm not sure which connector I have and I don't have a way to check right now. It was a heated power mirror with a puddle light, so I think its one of these. I have a 1998 Explorer Limited. If anyone happens to know or can check would be much appreciated. Thank you

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J_C is right, those from Rock Auto should work. The aftermarket brands may be your only choice, OEM are obsolete, and the aftermarket often don't move to as far of an adjustment range as stock did. But those should be fine for almost everyone.

I've been buying used right mirrors for my two 98 Limited trucks, due to about three mishaps with mail boxes. Used mirrors are hit or miss for real quality and function(worn out or not), and cost has been $50 and up.

J_C is right, those from Rock Auto should work. The aftermarket brands may be your only choice, OEM are obsolete, and the aftermarket often don't move to as far of an adjustment range as stock did. But those should be fine for almost everyone.

I've been buying used right mirrors for my two 98 Limited trucks, due to about three mishaps with mail boxes. Used mirrors are hit or miss for real quality and function(worn out or not), and cost has been $50 and up.
, are you playing mailbox baseball with your truck?

Ha, I've been doing this for almost 34 years now, the last few I've gotten a little comfortable sometimes coming in too hot, and off just a little. I've got one last used mirror to put on. I usually will bump the mirror once every couple of months, but I happened to hit one too hard, twice in the last three years. So I have broken the glass or the mounting tabs behind the glass each time, which kills the mirror.
