1998 Explorer Lock Code??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1998 Explorer Lock Code???


Well-Known Member
January 14, 2008
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1998 Explorer XLT
Hi, i just got a 98 explorer xlt, and was wondering if anyone knew where i can find the unlock code for the pad on the drivers door

also, the radio inside works but the lcd display dosent display anything, everything lights up but the lcd screen and the 6cd changer also dosent have power (or does and dosent work) any ideas? thanks

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take the cover off the drivers side rear panel. you will see a white box with numbers on it. that is where the code is

take the cover off the drivers side rear panel. you will see a white box with numbers on it. that is where the code is
Cool. Thank you. Will check it out in the morning :)

take the cover off the drivers side rear panel. you will see a white box with numbers on it. that is where the code is
That's where mine was found

From the factory, Ford also included a little card with the code on it, in the binder with the owner's manual. It is business card size, like they intended for you to keep it in your wallet I suppose, but that could also be a reason why it's missing.
