2000xls Hesitates/shifting slow 4/19/05 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2000xls Hesitates/shifting slow 4/19/05

March 11, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 sohc xls 4 dr.
Hello everyone. I just got off the Audi forum, now I'm on the ford forum. Anyways, I have a 2000 Explorer xls SOHC V6. It has 104,000 miles and has been doinf some things that have got me frustrated. First off the thing is shifting hesitantly when going up hills and such. It's like when you enter and incline it stays at 1500 rpms and sounds like it's lugging until you push the pedal way down to kick it up a gear. It is using alot of gas as well. It seems to quickly drop back down into the low rpms instead of staying there until you've crested the hill, unless you've got the pedal pretty far depressed. It just isn't as responsive via the pedal I guess would best descibe it.. When I floor it, it is responsive and powerful, but it just luggs around mostly around town. I have replaced the IAC, cleaned the MAF, just installed new plugs and wires, air filter, and have also swore alot. It has an issue upon startup in the mornings, in that it starts but doesn't idle unless you pump it for a minute and then it's usually fine for the rest of the day. I don't know if it's related. I have unplugged the battery each time to reset the computer as well. I just had the tranny fluid changed, and no difference. Help!!

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The idle issue could be the Idle Air Control valve.... it's a common item. They get gummy.... sometimes cleaning them saves them for a little while, but the best long-term fix I've found is replacement.

As for the sluggish response, have you changed the tranny fluid and filter? Mine was done at around 55k, and it made a world of difference. It should be done regularly anyways..... If it hasn't been done, start there.

Beyond that, ther may not be much you can do. My 98 sport is the same way..... it's part of the factory tuning being aimed for economy. My recommendation would be an aftermarket chip or tuner. You may sacrafice some mileage (not to mention some dough for premium fuel depending on which chip/tuner you go with) but the performance gains are SO worth it. I had the same types of problems you talk about with my F-150, and it was even more noticable in the sand at the dunes. After installing a tuner program, the transmission is downright intuitive! It's like it knows what I want and when I want it!



Well, I already changed the tranny fluid. And I'm talking about it not being anything like it is normally. Meaning that something is wrong, not that I don't like the way it is normally. There is something I can do, I am sure of that. Something needs to be cleaned/changed or addressed....

Check the throttle position sensor. Also, search for a thread about a TPS Mod ification using a ziptie to improve response/performance .

Have you had the intake manifold o-rings replaced (Owner Notification Program 00M12) They are a cause of rough idle on startup with the early SOHC engines.

Where is that located?

The TPS? Where is that? What does it look like? Easy repair?

Throttle Position Sensor. Run a search (see the Search link at the top of the page) and read all about it..... It's inside the throttle body on top of you engine.
