2001+ Ex Sport white-face gauge transplant... on a 97 manual trans? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001+ Ex Sport white-face gauge transplant... on a 97 manual trans?


October 17, 2008
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer
I'd like to do the white-faced gauge mod to my 97 XLT 4x4 5-speed. I haven't disassembled my gauge cluster yet, so hoping someone can chime in here.

All of the 01+ sport gauge clusters I have found on eBay are for AT models. I don't have the AT gear selection needles obviously. I know you have to get a 4x4 or 4x2 gauge pod to match your vehicle, but can I just get a 4x4 AT gauge cluster and remove the AT gear selection needs and use it?

I believe finding a 2001+ sport MT cluster is going to prove problematic. Unless someone can help me in that direction too... Thanks for your time!

The gear indicator is a very simple piece that snaps in and out of the cluster. If the Sport ever came with a manual trans, you should be able to order one from Ford. If not, you will either need to leave the AT indicator in, or find a way to paint your existing one to match.

I looked at mine more closely, and it appears I just have a hole in my cluster where it would go, they didn't even bother to put a plate on it. I think I will go ahead and order a cluster, and see how well it works.

They can't be much different, my 01 Sport 5 spd has the white face gauges and still has the overdrive indicator for the auto cut into it, although nonfunctional.
