2001 Ford Explorer Sport 2WD - hose? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Ford Explorer Sport 2WD - hose?


2001 Ford Explorer Sport
January 14, 2014
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2001 Explorer Sport
Can anyone give me direction on what this small white hose is? It has been rubbed down quite a bit - close to the elbow - by the black hose located on the top. I have placed some electrician tape on it for the mean time - until I can figure out the importance and what it will cost to replace it. Thank you for any help. Much appreciation.


  • 20140223_111410.jpg
    67 KB · Views: 215

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2nd photo of location area

2nd photo is not as close...to better gauge the location of the hose. Thanks for any help with this.


  • 20140223_160551.jpg
    73.5 KB · Views: 198

It's a vacuum line with a hole in it, and needs to be replaced or repaired. From the picture, I don't know where it goes. Follow it and find out. Does the red line from the EGR tee into it?

You should be able to cut out the bad section and replace it with a little vacuum line and maybe a plastic fitting or two if the replacement part is too expensive. You might also get one from a parts yard, but those plastic lines get pretty brittle at this age, so it isn't the best thing to get used.

Thank you for your reply rb142 - we thought it was the vacuum line but we weren't sure. We will try to cut it out and replace it first. I am a novice ...and curious how does this affect the way the vehicle operates?

you might even be able to pull the elbow off, cut the pipe back to where the hole began, and put the elbow back on

Thank you vroomzoom :).
