2002-2005 FAQ regarding lifts, tires, etc | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002-2005 FAQ regarding lifts, tires, etc

I have a slightly stiffer ride, but I noticed the more my old tires wore, the harsher the ride felt. New tires a month ago seemed to give a little more coushon to the ride feeling. I did notice my fronts settled a little but not that much, maybe 1/2"

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Hi drdoom, There on the #1 setting softest, and it's the 4.0. V6. The rs999904 is what Rancho sells for all 3rd gen 2 or 4 wheel drive, v8 or v6. I'm going to keep driving on them for a while and see if they settle in. if not, i still have the original springs, and will swap them out to the new struts
I started to search if anybody has them and how they like them, I have been searching forums, vendor feed back and customer use at a bunch of different places and just cant find anything from anybody that has them on there 3rd gen.
Thanks 04Urban.

Hi drdoom, There on the #1 setting softest, and it's the 4.0. V6. The rs999904 is what Rancho sells for all 3rd gen 2 or 4 wheel drive, v8 or v6. I'm going to keep driving on them for a while and see if they settle in. if not, i still have the original springs, and will swap them out to the new struts
I started to search if anybody has them and how they like them, I have been searching forums, vendor feed back and customer use at a bunch of different places and just cant find anything from anybody that has them on there 3rd gen.
Thanks 04Urban.

Hi Extra-medium, I have Yokohama Geolanders, Fairly new, I was expecting a stiffer ride, just not that much stiffer, I guess time will tell.

"Update" well after driving on the softest setting and trying to soften the springs by aggressive driving, The springs seem even more harsh. Im going to swap out the springs for the stock springs off the old struts and see what happens.
I guessing that those springs are fine for V8 and 4WD models, Not the lighter V6 and 2WD. i'll update later.

Do you think i could run 32/11.50/15s with 2" body lift, with some dremmel work on inside plastic?

I want to do the 3" lift but I cannot find the steering shaft extension. I have searched this forum and the Internet to no avail. Living in Ecuador makes everything much more difficult. However, I know this lift must rock. Can someone send me a good link so I can get moving?

Sorry for bumping this - but I want to post the fab files I drafted up for the steering extension required on 4.6L V8 3rd gen explorers. I fabbed mine out of solid 1-1/8" aluminum stock.

I made some small adjustments on the fly grinding away bits of material to get a snug fit. Photos attached. This was done sometime circa 2012(?) and still running strong.





  • Explorer Steering Extension.pdf
    141.5 KB · Views: 95
