2002 Explorer front shudder/growling | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2002 Explorer front shudder/growling


New Member
June 29, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT
We have a 2002 Explorer V6 AWD, 106000 miles. After the car gets about 4-5 miles on it, there is a very noticible front end shudder and growling noise when turning left or right. Occassionally when going straight. Only happens at speeds below 20 mph, and when the car is under power (even slightly). Take the foot off the gas, and it won't do it. Started at about 100K, and its getting worse

Replaced the LF wheel bearing/hub and both rear bearings around 80K miles. New brakes and rotors at 67K miles on front, rear brakes were done around 80K.

I'm thinking maybe the RF bearing/hub, but because its only doing it under power and only after the car is warmed has me wondering about that diagnosis.

Anybody have any other ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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I have a very similar issue on my '03 w/85K miles. It's usually on acceleration under 30mph, in any direction, and about 60% of the time. Initially, I suspected the AWD engaging unnecessarily. The more I read, the more I think it may be the front bearings :( Not sure what to do until I can definitively nail down the cause. I may do the Brown Wire Mod to eliminate my suspicion (and hopefully easily resolve the problem).


Anybody have any ideas?

If not, I'll just change out that RF hub/bearing and hope for the best. :)


It's a thread somewhere on here that talks about it possibly being the clutch packs in the rear differential slipping. I have a small case of this and am also tryint to find some info on it. I am 14,000 miles overdue (supposed to change every 60,000 and I am @ 73,500) in changing my differential fluid so I am tryint to find out if this has something to do with it...

Good call kshicks !! Last night I changed out the rear diff lube, added Motorcraft 75W-150 synthetic fluid and 4 oz of friction modifier. Took it out and did some figure-8's around a parking lot, put about 12 miles on it overall. About 80-90% of the shudder/growling problem was gone. Might have to put a couple more oz of FM in it, but I'll wait and drive it some more first.

If I had known the problem was such a quick fix, I'd done it long ago.

And the rear diff has a drain plug !! Made the job real easy.


Thanks man, after doing some research I figured that would work. When I pick upi my Explorer when I get to the states that is the first thing I am going to do. I am going with Royal Purple 75W-140 that already has friction modifier in it. I might just throw in another 2 oz of friction modifier to be on thee safe side.
