2003 ABS light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 ABS light


New Member
December 18, 2006
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City, State
Middletown, DE
Year, Model & Trim Level
'03 XLT

I've had this ABS warning light come on intermittently while driving for several months now. The truck drives fine, but the ABS has falsely kicked on briefly during braking only once in a while when not on a slippery surface. I need this fixed soon because it's due for inspection in November.

I do all my own maintenance, but since I don't have a Ford scan tool that can diagnose the ABS light, I'm either at the mercy of the dealer service, have to invest in the scan tool, or solve the issue manually.

After some searching around, I haven't found a solution that applies to the 03's. From what I have found, most say it's a fault in the rear with either the speed sensor on the diff or one of the pickup wheels.

I took a look in the rear and found the sensor. It's a little tight in there, but not sure if I have to drop the diff to get at it. I imagine there is a pickup wheel in there, too. I haven't looked closely at the front yet. I priced out a new sensor at Fast Parts Network, but it's ~$60 so I didn't want to dig into it if I didn't have to.

How should I troubleshoot this? Thanks.

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I thought those rear speed sensors were much cheaper than that. Like about $25. There's no guarantee that changing it will fix your problem, but for about 25 I would give it a shot. Try here:


Perfect! Parts Train has it for $23.45 shipped, so I got one. Hopefully, that's all it was.

Where exactly are the pickup wheel(s)? (if that's the right name for them) Inside the diff?

rear wheel speed sensor

def the sensor..easy fix..almost a plug and play part.:salute:

It looks like partstrain.com sent me the wrong part. It's probably a build date issue, but they don't have one that'll fit mine. The new sensor is bigger than the one I pulled off the truck.

Are there any recommendations for another place to order from? I'm hoping to find a price cheaper than fastpartsnetwork.com's $68.46.

Ahh, I forgot about them. I've ordered from those guys before and got great prices. It turns out they're selling an aftermarket sensor for $36. :thumbsup:

We'll see how this one works. Thanks for reminding me.

i had the same problem, my mech. does my inspection, put that nifty computer thing and problem went away, didnt charge me....talk to a local mech....could save $$$$

Do you have cruise control? Is it affected by the ABS light?
If so it could be the sensor on the master cylinder. A $20 part.

I have the same thing I changed the easy one the rear diff. and it did not work thay said to change the front wheel bearings the unit is built in.

Auto parts suppliers such as Autozone and Advanced Auto typically will connect the scan tool to tell you what ABS code is set. They do this for free on the chance you will buy the repair part from them. This may point you to which ABS sensor may be "out of range" and help identify the source of your problem.
