2003 aftermarket sub harness, single RCA vs. dual RCA? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 aftermarket sub harness, single RCA vs. dual RCA?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 1999
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City, State
Memphis, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 Exp ST / 15 Exp Ltd
I am replacing the factory head unit with a Pioneer in my 2003 with the Mach system. I am keeping the factory sub and amp so I am planning on using a sub harness. So the harnesses I find for a 2003 have a single RCA but the one for a 2004 and up have dual RCAs. Some places I look online actually list both types as valid. So here are my questions:
1. Does the 03 have a single voice coil sub and the 04 have a dual voice coil sub, hence the difference in RCA terminals?
2. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to using the dual vs. the single harness?

Car audio is not my expertise. Thanks.

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I would use the dual, as you will get stereo input that way. If you use the single you only get input from one side and you may lose a few notes

If the factory sub is a single coil, would it be currently set up as mono?

i added a stock sub and amp to my '04. There was a wiring change in '04, where the basic radio got something called world plugs these where used from 99?-2003/4 (plug on back of the radio is black), for the audiophile they upgraded to Phase II plugs (grey) in '04; and also i think in '05 the std radio to - confusing for sure.

For my '04 the radio (black plugs) out is single channel, +/- and a shield, but a dual voice coil speaker 4 wires from the amp to speaker. 45w/45w speaker

Jim, I did read your posts on adding the 10". Very informative. So with what you are saying about the change in 04, is the sub I have single voice coil (running mono) and I should use the single RCA harness? Thanks.

Jim, I did read your posts on adding the 10". Very informative. So with what you are saying about the change in 04, is the sub I have single voice coil (running mono) and I should use the single RCA harness? Thanks.

Single RCA will work. The Amp only gets one signal but the Sub is dual voice coil, i'm unsure how it wired inside the amp, series or parallel?

I dont KNOW for sure specifically about these vehicles. but the signal to the sub does not have to be stereo. On most aftermarket headunits the sub pre-out is non-fading anyway. Meaning that it doesn't fade from left to right even though there is still a left and right RCA input. SO a mono sub output serves the same purpose. If you choose to get the adapter with the mono plug, and have to use a conventional 2 channel RCA cable to the amp, just use a quality RCA splitter to do the adapting. Everything will work just fine.

So I guess I need to look at the headunit I am going to put in and see if the sub pre-out is a single or dual RCA input. If there's two RCAs (L&R) then I would be covered going with the dual plug set-up. Agreed? Thanks for the help!!!

I recently did put navi in my 04 explorer. I bought the plug for the 04 which comes stereo for the sub but it is only wired mono in the truck so only one side is used. My biggest pain has been trying to get rid of all the alternator interference that comes from it now. I have used a voltage regulator to step down the turn on lead to 5v but still have some whine coming from it when the headlights are on. I am planning on trying a ground loop isolator next.
