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2004 Explorer grinding

Here is my list of recommended parts for anyone finding this thread.

Front HUBS:

If you're doing well financially then go with SKF BR930456 $121.79 Three Year Warranty More Information for SKF BR930456
If you're on a budget go with WJB WA515050HD $60.79 One Year Warranty More Information for WJB WA515050HD

Rear Press In Bearings:
SKF GRW259 $37.79 One Year Warranty More Information for SKF GRW259
MOTORCRAFT BRG4 $47.79 Two Year Warranty More Information for MOTORCRAFT BRG4

Rear HUB Assemblies for those DIY without a press:
Left SKF BR935001LK $153.99 One Year Warranty More Information for SKF BR935001LK
Right SKF BR935002LK $162.79 One Year Warranty More Information for SKF BR935002LK
Left MOOG LK001 $214.79 Three Year Warranty More Information for MOOG LK001
Right MOOG LK002 $233.79 Three Year Warranty More Information for MOOG LK002

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The manufacturer said it has to go through Amazon platform. My mother bought on her Amazon account she went to return or warranty and it says we don’t want the parts part but will back but they will return her money. And since it was a pair I wasn’t going to take both hubs off. I called the manufacturer when it first arrived to inquire about bolts and the boxes had holes in them and you can see the indentation of parts on the boxes. I guess now I will go buy one locally.

When I replaced one of my fronts with the WJB I reused my factory bolts even though it came with new ones. They felt beefier. The WJB is still solid 2 years later.

When I replaced one of my fronts with the WJB I reused my factory bolts even though it came with new ones. They felt beefier. The WJB is still solid 2 years later.
What about a local parts house? The $169 hub at Oreilys and AutoZ have bad reviews.

Ford said 229 and two year warranty and it’s on back order until end of month.
Is that $229.00 each?

If you are going to get new hub/bearing assemblies, there is no reason to not just go ahead and get SKF from RockAuto. They are $121 each plus shipping. They are hefty and very well made and also come with a 3 year warranty (unless you put tons of miles on your truck a year). They come with new bolts with pre-applied thread locker.

Moog only cost $1 less at the moment. You could save $10 and get Timken, which I would be perfectly happy with, but there are many here who have used the SKF bearings with excellent service and I don't think you can go wrong there.

I believe that *** makes the Motorcraft bearings, so you could get those from RockAuto as well but they are $25 more each. That is still allot better than spending $230 to buy the same thing from a dealer.

Have you determined that your new bearings are defective? I missed that if you have.


Is that $229.00 each?

If you are going to get new hub/bearing assemblies, there is no reason to not just go ahead and get SKF from RockAuto. They are $121 each plus shipping. They are hefty and very well made and also come with a 3 year warranty (unless you put tons of miles on your truck a year). They come with new bolts with pre-applied thread locker.

Moog only cost $1 less at the moment. You could save $10 and get Timken, which I would be perfectly happy with, but there are many here who have used the SKF bearings with excellent service and I don't think you can go wrong there.

I believe that *** makes the Motorcraft bearings, so you could get those from RockAuto as well but they are $25 more each. That is still allot better than spending $230 to buy the same thing from a dealer.

Have you determined that your new bearings are defective? I missed that if you have.

Yes a shop verified it and showed me it was wobbling and bent . I bought 2 on Amazon for 90 and they said keep it they will refund the money.

My ‘04 had the same issue when I got it. Both rear wheel bearings were bad and got replaced along with the rear CV axles. The brake dust shield was rubbing periodically after the job, so it needed to get bent out away from the rotor. I also had a driver’s side front wheel speed sensor code. Both front bearings were shot, so I replaced the hub assemblies with the integrated wheel speed sensors. All four corners are quiet now. The differential can make noise too, but this is typically a much different sound.

I get my parts from Rock Auto. They have the best prices generally and you can get anything from economy to OEM parts.

Wasn’t sure of rock or a1 autos quality
I got a rear wheel hub assembly with everything included for my '04 Explorer. Far better than pressing in a new hub and bearing but I got it from Rock Auto and the bearing went bad in less than 6 months. It's under warranty but I have to get another one first at 2x the price I paid for this one (it was the 2nd cheapest) before I can return it. And they have no phone contact. Everything is done on line. They comparatively have good prices and shipping was fast. But I'm not liking the lack of a real voice if necessary.

I had this sqme issue last year i spent a few hours chasing down a noise i thought was the rear diff and discovered a rear bearing had blown apart. I have an 05 eddie bauer 4x4 and have done the fronts twice and the rears twice in the 10 years i have had it. If you do not replace the rear axle nuts and torque them correctly you WILL blow the bearing apart within a couple years. If the bearing seat is damaged at all durong removal get a new knuckle or expect to have issues with bearings. The front hub and bearing assembly is the same for the 4x4 qnd 4x2.
