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2005 Explorer Frying Alternators


New Member
February 6, 2007
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City, State
Buffalo, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 XLT 4x4
Ok, so my wife's car fried another alternator. This will be the third new alternator since we bought the car new. Has anyone heard of this issues and what could be the root cause? It has about 120k miles and has had all the regular maintenance performed. Car's in great shape besides this problem.

Thanks for the help.

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What have you replaced them with? Motorcraft or aftermarket? New or rebuild?

Do you have any aftermarket accessories that would put an additional draw on it (lights, subwoofer,etc)?

I'd check for any broken wires. One may be grounding out and causing some issues.

Used ford OEM alternators. Only mods are KN filter and the headphone jack for an mps player which is also a ford part.

What shape are the belt and idler pulleys in? If the alternator is being "pulled" on by the belt it could burn out the bearings. Check the wiring as well as the battery.

Could you elaborate on the "failure"? Many people think that an alternator's failure is the bearings. And, that CAN be the case, at times. However, MY alternator died not as a result of the alternator bearings, but the diode rectifiers. It was not a condition of pass/fail, but that it was only putting out 12.4 volts. And, would not keep the battery charged.

Personally, I would NEVER use a factory alt. The reason is that I spoke with a guy who suppies OEM! He told me that while Ford COULD use the best stuff, he said they shoot them a price point. Then, to meet that price point, they are required to make it cheap. He said that he warned them, it would not last beyond 100K miles. They were happy with that, because they only warranty to 36K. And, if it saves them $50/ea, over 800K vehicles....do the math.

Anyway, I went with a DC Power alt. It is built to withstand HARSH use. And, you can get them in either factory output, high output, or ultra high output. They are priced accordingly, but the factory output is priced very near the OEM replacement cost! 2 year guarantee, as well.
