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2007 right headlight problem


April 8, 2012
City, State
Jackson ms
Year, Model & Trim Level
2007 sportstrac
My right headlight doesn't work. Have replaced bulb, swapped left to right still no right headlight. Checked fuses-ok. No power at bulb socket. I don't see a headlight relay in owners manual. I would think it has a relay? What y'all say?

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How about the socket itself? Are all 3 terminals in their correct position?

Had this issue on another vehicle where the center terminal had broke free from whatever holds it in place and was pushed back and no longer making contact with the male terminal on the headlamp bulb.

If this turns out to be the problem, you can replace the entire socket or what I did was remove the rubber plug from the back of the socket and push the terminal back into place with the bulb already connected so that it will stay on the male terminal.

How about the socket itself? Are all 3 terminals in their correct position?

Had this issue on another vehicle where the center terminal had broke free from whatever holds it in place and was pushed back and no longer making contact with the male terminal on the headlamp bulb.

If this turns out to be the problem, you can replace the entire socket or what I did was remove the rubber plug from the back of the socket and push the terminal back into place with the bulb already connected so that it will stay on the male terminal.

I checked for that. I also checked for voltage at plug nothing on dim or bright wiring. There has to be a relay somewhere.

I've "checked" fuses that looked OK, but have been bad. With a multimeter you can check for resistance across the fuse. Its very frustrating to get a fuse that has internally failed that looked fine holding it up in the air. The less scientific approach would be to swap underhood fuse #29 (pass headlight) with underhood fuse #34 (drivers headlight) and see if it made any difference?

Do you have power into fuse #29 using a multimeter or test light? If you have power into (and across) the fuse, but no power to the socket, then you have a break in the wiring.

If you don't have power into the fuse, then thats something else.

I've "checked" fuses that looked OK, but have been bad. With a multimeter you can check for resistance across the fuse. Its very frustrating to get a fuse that has internally failed that looked fine holding it up in the air. The less scientific approach would be to swap underhood fuse #29 (pass headlight) with underhood fuse #34 (drivers headlight) and see if it made any difference?

Do you have power into fuse #29 using a multimeter or test light? If you have power into (and across) the fuse, but no power to the socket, then you have a break in the wiring.

If you don't have power into the fuse, then thats something else.

Yes I have power in & out of fuse. I have swapped left & right fuse to be sure fuse was good. I need a wiring diagram. Where does wire go to after fuse? It has to go to dimmer switch then out to lights?

the wiring of the right headlamp goes between the radiator and the radiator and the radiator support all the way to the fuse box there's a good start cause the wires are pretty easy to follow i can't remember but i think they have OEM zip ties and wire hose cover that's easy to remove

2007 headlight problem

My right headlight doesn't work. Have replaced bulb, swapped left to right still no right headlight. Checked fuses-ok. No power at bulb socket. I don't see a headlight relay in owners manual. I would think it has a relay? What y'all say?[/
I had no power at headlight bulb plug. Checked fuses,headlight switch,turn signal switch & wiring. All ok. Got a wiring diagram from online for free at autozone found after fuse power went into smart junction box also known as body control module.come out of SJB on circuit c2280e pins 20 & 30. No power on pins 20 & 30. I have a bad SJB cost $270.00 from ford. Part number 6L2Z-15604-CA. Hope this will help other sports trac owners.
