2012 brakes seem to stick | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2012 brakes seem to stick


New Member
April 26, 2017
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Explorer Limited
My daughters 2012 Explorer Limited seems, like every so often, more and more often, the brakes are sticking or something. after braking to stop then a death wobble at moderate speeds the truck seems to want to stop like the brakes are sticking. i have had a good mechanic replace the 2 front struts, the two front tires and i replaced the inner and outer tie rods and also went all the way around it with front brakes and rotors. also new rear brakes. i even cleaned the rotor brackets so the brakes could slide and not stick. also had another mechanic replace the 2 front brake lines. he said they were collapsing. i'm lost! HELP!

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is this happening while driving or are you talking about when you come to a stop and release the brake that the car is being held back?

is this happening while driving or are you talking about when you come to a stop and release the brake that the car is being held back?
when she starts back to accelerate. it did it once on me one day. supposedly turned out to be a collapsing brake line according to her mechanic. she took it there the next day after it sat all night once i got it home. it didnt do it on the way to the mechanic the next morning.

when she starts back to accelerate. it did it once on me one day. supposedly turned out to be a collapsing brake line according to her mechanic. she took it there the next day after it sat all night once i got it home. it didnt do it on the way to the mechanic the next morning.

I'm wondering if it is the roll back feature on these. If the vehicle is on a slight to moderate incline. When you stop at a stop sign or a light and remove your foot off the brake, it still holds the brake for 3 seconds to prevent the vehicle from rolling back (especially if you have a trailer). Once you hit the gas, it releases but you may feel a hesitation or light bump/jerk as it releases.

I have had this happen a few times even on flat ground not only with my Ex but my F350.

thanks for all the help. my daughter bought a new car Saturday. and yes believe it or not.....it was another explorer! We are a Ford family i guess. my youngest got an Edge the same day.
