2013 Ford Explorer Sport led license plate bulbs | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Ford Explorer Sport led license plate bulbs


Well-Known Member
January 22, 2013
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New York City, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Ford Explorer XLT
Hey guys, I'm thinking of changing the stock halogen license plate bulbs in favor of a nice white look, particularly the look you'd find on a bmw or lexus. I am looking at aftermarket bulbs but they seem too bright or too blue. Any suggestions on where I can get them? Is it hard to do? Is there a converter or something needed to avoid any bulb-out error messages? Here is a link of the light I'd be interested in. Thanks.


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Hey guys, I'm thinking of changing the stock halogen license plate bulbs in favor of a nice white look, particularly the look you'd find on a bmw or lexus. I am looking at aftermarket bulbs but they seem too bright or too blue. Any suggestions on where I can get them? Is it hard to do? Is there a converter or something needed to avoid any bulb-out error messages? Here is a link of the light I'd be interested in. Thanks.

You might want to consider posting this in the 'Modified' threads.



194 size LEDs. Ebay sells them dirt cheap. Just get 5050 SMD LED ones and you're set. And select to order in USA or they can take a MONTH or more to deliver.

They have the 194 LEDs in various sizes. The ones I run are the 5 LED ones. They are pretty bright so you can order ones with less LEDs with 3, or 2, or even just 1 LED on it. My Raptor I run the ones with 4 LEDs since the rear view camera setup on that the tag lights can wash out the camera, but on the explorer the 5 LED ones are fine with the camera.

194 size LEDs. Ebay sells them dirt cheap. Just get 5050 SMD LED ones and you're set. And select to order in USA or they can take a MONTH or more to deliver.

They have the 194 LEDs in various sizes. The ones I run are the 5 LED ones. They are pretty bright so you can order ones with less LEDs with 3, or 2, or even just 1 LED on it. My Raptor I run the ones with 4 LEDs since the rear view camera setup on that the tag lights can wash out the camera, but on the explorer the 5 LED ones are fine with the camera.
Also available on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&keywords=194 led&page=1&rh=n:15684181,k:194 led


194 size LEDs. Ebay sells them dirt cheap. Just get 5050 SMD LED ones and you're set. And select to order in USA or they can take a MONTH or more to deliver.

They have the 194 LEDs in various sizes. The ones I run are the 5 LED ones. They are pretty bright so you can order ones with less LEDs with 3, or 2, or even just 1 LED on it. My Raptor I run the ones with 4 LEDs since the rear view camera setup on that the tag lights can wash out the camera, but on the explorer the 5 LED ones are fine with the camera.

Thanks for the info. Would you happen to have any photos of how they look on your raptor?

I don't have any from my Raptor in an online album. But here's a couple of the explorer.

half and half...




Those show the difference in yellow to nice white. This pic shows at night, but pics at night are always hard to judge for brightness...


I will say, on my Raptor, the tag lights are on the side edge of the bumper step and point directly at the tag, so you can get away with less LEDs and have the tag illuminated that the same brightness. The LEDs are almost in the view of the camera so you can't go too bright. The explorer the tag lights are almost even with the tag, and to the side of the camera so no interference, and just shine across the tag, rather than at it, so the brighter LED is good since you still get the same brightness on the tag, and the extra light not pointing at the tag helps for seeing more on the ground backing up.

Here's the 194 5050 SMD LEDs I have in the tag lights of the explorer...


There is no converter needed and as far as installation is concerned, there is a tab on each to pop out, assuming you get the polarity correct the first time, total install should take < 5 minutes.

There is no converter needed and as far as installation is concerned, there is a tab on each to pop out, assuming you get the polarity correct the first time, total install should take < 5 minutes.

thanks for the info

There is no converter needed and as far as installation is concerned, there is a tab on each to pop out, assuming you get the polarity correct the first time, total install should take < 5 minutes.

thanks for the info
