2013 Kodiak Brown Limited AWD | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2013 Kodiak Brown Limited AWD

Thanks, guys!

I'm happy with the way it turned out. No arguing, no raised voices... just a lets get it done attitude. I can appreciate that mistakes are made, and I'm glad I didn't find this out on delivery day! The internet is a wonderful tool for car buying, status updates and ofcouse Explorerforum, its members and CORY '12 :D

I'll prod the dealership a little... :hammer:

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Thanks, guys!

I'm happy with the way it turned out. No arguing, no raised voices... just a lets get it done attitude. I can appreciate that mistakes are made, and I'm glad I didn't find this out on delivery day! The internet is a wonderful tool for car buying, status updates and ofcouse Explorerforum, its members and CORY '12 :D...
I’m glad you caught it early, Helicopter. It’s important you have exactly what you want with your order. Please shoot me the order number as soon as you get it! :D

Glad it worked out. I would have reordered mine, too. I am very particular about the equipment and colors and I keep my vehicles for 10 years.
Sweet! Now you are going to get your perfect car :)

Happy to hear that it all worked out for the better.
RonJrSVCMGR & VinceL,

I’m glad it was straightened out too. :)


Original post updated.

:shifty_ey It's been a while... no updates yet. Still waiting on the window sticker and build date.

Original post updated

:bounce: Window Sticker Available and a build date of 6/22/2012 :bounce:

Don’t fly away before it gets there, Helicopter! ;)


FordCustSrvc... Helicopter 16Juliet
Helicopter 16Juliet, with Whisy Siera - Bravo Delta, hovering at the pad. Awaiting IFR clearance to dealer at or below one-zero-thousand. :D

FordCustSrvc... Helicopter 16Juliet
Helicopter 16Juliet, with Whisy Siera - Bravo Delta, hovering at the pad. Awaiting IFR clearance to dealer at or below one-zero-thousand. :D

You’re going to be hovering at the pad a little while longer; I’ll give “clearance” when my tracker shows me an updated ETA to the dealer. :D



You’re going to be hovering at the pad a little while longer; I’ll give “clearance” when my tracker shows me an updated ETA to the dealer. :D



LOL I checked on your order and everything’s going smoothly, Helicopter; can you at least “hold” a few more days until it rolls off the line? :biggthump


Yeah, it comes with the territory! :D Thanks for checking!

She's arrived at the dealer! Was called on 6/29. Having the windows tinted before taking delivery. Unfortunately I'm out of town and won't be able to pick her up for a week or two. Can't wait to get back! :bounce:

Woo-hoo, congratulations!! :party:

She's arrived at the dealer! Was called on 6/29. Having the windows tinted before taking delivery. Unfortunately I'm out of town and won't be able to pick her up for a week or two. Can't wait to get back! :bounce:
That’s awesome, Helicopter! I’m sure you’ll be flying as soon as you can to pick her up (when you’re back in town)! :D


That’s awesome, Helicopter! I’m sure you’ll be flying as soon as you can to pick her up (when you’re back in town)! :D


Thanks Cory! Can't wait! :D

OK! Picked the girl up this afternoon. The process went smoothly. I picked up the 7 year 100k ESP and the maintenance plan for 4 years. Also had the front windows tinted @ 35% (legal limit). The fit and finish is outstanding. All dash and door trim is properly aligned. Rear hatch is spot on. MFT is working fine, phone is paired address book downloaded and BT audio is functional. Navigation system is correct, Sirius is activated. Weather overlay looks good!
The power fold second row is cool, rear seats are comfortable, but not as good as the front row. Second row is perforated as well... wasn't expecting that. Rear A/C controls are very cool and work well. My favorite feature so far is the dual panel moon roof. Waiting for it to get dark so I can take a quick cruise to see how the lighting is. It was raining a little bit this afternoon and the rain sensing wipers work well, and the collision warning LEDS work. :eek: :D

For me, all this technology is very comfortable and easy to use and understand. I want to get out and test the lane departure stuff and the park assist. I'll report on this at a later time.

This Kodiak Brown is an AWESOME - AWESOME color. It might be a pain to keep clean, but it has a little more personality than just plain black. The guys at the dealership hadn't seen this color yet. I'm very happy with the choice.









Great job Ford! :us: :thumbsup:

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Worth the wait!!!! Congrats, I'm sure you'll have a blast.
