2015 Sport Brakes | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2015 Sport Brakes


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August 25, 2020
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2015 Ford Explorer Sport
hello, I am wondering what is the best brakes for a 2015 ford explorer sport. I was looking at the powerstop brakes but also read an article about high friction/speed brake pads? I will be towing a little bit so I want the best available. Also powerstop has the regular z23 I believe or the z36 brake system. Will both work for the Sport and if so is it worth the extra money for the z36 option?

Thanks again this forum has been amazing.


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If you want the best available it’s probably not powerstop. Do you have the towing package?

If you want the best available it’s probably not powerstop. Do you have the towing package?
Yes, I believe so it has the stock wiring and trailer hitch already installed. If thats what you meant....

Here are a few threads I found with the 'Search' feature that may be of interest.


The 2nd link shows this;
No results for B076Q52JNQ.
Try checking your spelling or use more general terms


The 2nd link shows this;
No results for B076Q52JNQ.
Try checking your spelling or use more general terms


Comes up just fine for me. Could be because you are in Canada.


Comes up just fine for me. Could be because you are in Canada.
Not sure why it shouldn't open since the first one does and is similar. :dunno:

I had a full set of Powerstop pads and rotors on a TSX and was not impressed. The pads wore pretty quick and I really didn't feel much of an improvement over premium part store rotors and Wagner thermaquiets which I usually go with, cost less and last longer. In blind desire for fun I was looking for Ferodo pads as these were my favorite in my motorcycle racing days and they don't even list the explorer. Also bummed nobody seems to make a stainless line kit. I would advise against high friction pads like EBC(if you can even find them) as they will add some inherent drag and wear everything quickly.

And if you want to go "full send", you can always go the route I did, LOL:


I had a full set of Powerstop pads and rotors on a TSX and was not impressed. The pads wore pretty quick and I really didn't feel much of an improvement over premium part store rotors and Wagner thermaquiets which I usually go with, cost less and last longer. In blind desire for fun I was looking for Ferodo pads as these were my favorite in my motorcycle racing days and they don't even list the explorer. Also bummed nobody seems to make a stainless line kit. I would advise against high friction pads like EBC(if you can even find them) as they will add some inherent drag and wear everything quickly.
Techni-Fit makes any kind of brakes lines you want. If you want SS, just let them know how long and what color/type/variety. Easy...

And if you want to go "full send", you can always go the route I did, LOL:

That is awesome

How does one know if they have HD or standard brakes?

I have an 18 Limited...tried measuring, the front rotors seem to be around 12.5" and the rears 13.5".

Looking to order powerstop z36 and don't want to get the wrong ones.
