2016 fob stopped working | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 fob stopped working


Active Member
September 27, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Sparks, NV
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 FPIU
2017 FPIU
While I was in Hawai'i for a couple of months, the battery in the 2016 FPIU went dead. New battery, but the fob isn't working.

I guess I'll try a new battery in the fob, but does this REALLY need to visit the dealer each time the battery in car or fob is replaced???

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Seems like premature speculation if you haven't tried a new fob battery yet?

If you have two working keys (which everyone should...), you should be able to use the method in the owner's manual to program in a fob, or is this keyless?

2016+ fobs are programmed with the 48-character TIC code in Forscan. It should not de-program. Try a new battery, and if that does not work I would use Forscan to try repairing it.

While I was in Hawai'i for a couple of months, the battery in the 2016 FPIU went dead. New battery, but the fob isn't working.

I guess I'll try a new battery in the fob, but does this REALLY need to visit the dealer each time the battery in car or fob is replaced???
Did you try charging the vehicle battery before replacing it? Perhaps that is all it required to bring it back to life. As for the fob batteries, change one and see if that helps but I don't see them draining for lack of use. As the only driver, I've had the 'spare' fob put aside for over a year and it still worked when used. Good luck.


UPDATE: It's working again!

The FPIU battery had a dead cell, wouldn't hold a charge. Putting in the new battery solved that problem.

Replacing the battery in the fob got THAT working again, too.

After reading the other threads about fobs and 2016-up FPIUs needing to be paired by dealers, I was afraid of the worst.
