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2017 Ford Explorer Issues

The loud ticking is the high pressure fuel pump. It usually has a rubber insulation around it to reduce noise. Its located on the front valve cover

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Could be a bad voltage regulator in the alternator. When those go, then all sorts of random electrical issues can pop up. Many times they show a large under or over-voltage reading so it'd be good to verify your alternator output is in the mid 14s where it should be.
I will look into that. Thank you.

The loud ticking is the high pressure fuel pump. It usually has a rubber insulation around it to reduce noise. Its located on the front valve cover
So your saying the rubber insulation is the problem?

I'm saying its not a problem 😎
Thank you. I hope you’re right! Also, new issue. The cooling fan automatically runs even when the car is off. There is no overheating. I disconnected the battery on the negative side and let it sit. Re connected it maybe 30 mins later and the cooling fan started up again. Any idea?

Thank you. I hope you’re right! Also, new issue. The cooling fan automatically runs even when the car is off. There is no overheating. I disconnected the battery on the negative side and let it sit. Re connected it maybe 30 mins later and the cooling fan started up again. Any idea?
For cooling fan issues, please see this thread and post there in order to keep them in the same thread. Thank you.


Sorry for the long absence. The 2017 Ford Explorer sport is still off and on with the issue. It’s saying it has no communication with these modules.
Steering column control module
Power steering control module
Restraint control module
Occupant classification system module
All terrain control module
Anti-Lock Brake module
I don’t think all of these modules could of gone.
I can list all the codes as well if anyone wants them. I am at a loss. I’d appreciate it greatly is someone has heard of this or can help me solve it.

Sounds like a faulty BCM. Other members here have had them go bad too.

It would be highly unlikely each one of those modules faulted at same time
