2022 Explorer to delete Multicontour Seat Option | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2022 Explorer to delete Multicontour Seat Option


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 28, 2010
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City, State
Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A

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Another reason to be glad that I bought a '20. I use my seat massager all the time to help with my sciatica

.....the more i read about manufacturers deleting features and price fixing the more I like my fully equipped '21 Explorer

I'm glad I bought my 2020, multi contour seats, headed windshield wiper defrost, full climate controls in the rear, emergency tow hook, etc.


.....the more i read about manufacturers deleting features and price fixing the more I like my fully equipped '21 Explorer
Every year they take out more features it seems. 2021 had several things missing compared to 2020.

I didn't see mentioned that they would install later and I doubt that they will.

Will this also be installed once the parts come in at the dealer, or would I need to order new seats when we get our KR?
As Hillsndale mentioned, there was no mention that these seats will be retrofitted. Meaning that they will no longer be available. I had them in my 2017 Platinum and have them in my Aviator and have never used them.

