265/70R16 tires with Ground Force Springs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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265/70R16 tires with Ground Force Springs?


February 13, 2008
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City, State
Puerto Rico
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT
I was wondering what is the largest tire I could use on my stock rims with Gound Force lowering springs? I know 265/70 fits at regular height...

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If your looking to lower your X, can I ask why you want to lower it, then have larger tires ?

<-- is confused as well...

I was wondering what is the largest tire I could use on my stock rims with Gound Force lowering springs? I know 265/70 fits at regular height...

That tire size is only an inch larger around than stock; I am sure it would be fine with the lowering springs.

i crammed 265/75's, wouldn't try them while lowering it too, but why would you want both anyway?
