2nd gen aftermarket wheels on 3rd gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd gen aftermarket wheels on 3rd gen

I was wondering if 22's from a 2nd gen Ex will fit on a 3rd gen Ex. I've seen some threads where people ask about the other way but non on the 2nd gen to 3rd gen fitment.

Any help would greatly be appreciated.

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Depends on the backspacing. You may have to use wheel spacers to make it work. Bolt patterns are the same if I remember correctly.

On a side note, I am running 20's on my '02 and the ride quality sucks now... Every single bump is noticeable.. I would hate to imagine the use of 22's

Well I really want 20s but I am trying to trade someone my stock 17s for some 22s. Is the ride on 20s that bad? Are you running 275/45-20? Last thing I want is a bad ride. The plan was to lower it with 20s but if the ride is bad I'll keep it all stock then.

My stock wheels were 16", the 20"rs reccommended were 255/45ZR20 or 275/40ZR20.. I am using 255/45ZR20 and I feel every bump.. I think I should of went with 18s or 19s as originally planned.. But a good deal on the 20s is what swayed my vote.. Handles much better than stock though.. LOL

Well it is always a sacrifice when upsizing wheels. Im just looking for a good deal whether it be 18s or 20s. Just trying to see if I can upgrade since I need new tires anyways. Do you have any photos?

And that is what I did... Needed tires... Bought wheels too... LOL

I still have to lower it.. It is in the works next month when I replace the struts.


Looks nice!! Is the ride on the 20s worth it or would you try to get 18s or 19s next time?

Here is my piece. Dying for a rim upgrade!! I love my rims, just wish they stick out a little more instead of being tucked in so far.


Wife hates the ride... Nag nag nag nag nag nag nag.... Maybe for her 18s or 19s..

But then again, I like the look... So... I would still prolly do 20s again.. No way I would ever do 22s though.. LOL

Nice ride.. I wish mine had fog lights.. But thats what you sacrifice sometimes buying used..

Yeah I love the look woth GF springs and 20s. Just trying to do it all on a strict budget nowadays. I've had my truck about 2 years now and am getting the itch to do something to the exterior!! I have 118K on it with original shocks so I want to do the springs and shocks at the same time like you. Hopefully soon!

The only thing you have to look at is back spacing for the brake callipers.

when i had 20s and 22s on my ex i didnt have any problems with the ride. It's when i put the 24s and now with the 26s that the ride has gotten a lil rougher, but still isn't that bad. Just got to watch out for all the pot holes and bumps. Your ride should be fine with the 22s tho....


Was the clearance in the wheel wells ok or did you have to lift your Ex a bit?
