2nd Gen rear bumper with tire carrier | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2nd Gen rear bumper with tire carrier

Looks good. Besides asking the same question. How does it effect the driving. Does it handle any different with the Godzilla tire up there that high? Body roll on corners?

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Drives the same... A bit softer over the bumps.

Right now the hatch doenst clear but josh cant be blamed for that. He was making it for a 3" BL with no BL on his truck. I am having the mount brakets moved a bit to make the hatch clear. It only lacks about an inch in clearing the hatch. Im not real sure why it matters for me though since my hatch is stuck closed.... the handle linkage is broken inside and i havent bothered getting in there to fix it. As long as i can swing the tire out to get in the back glass im happy for now.

i want one like that for my navajo it has a 3" b l on it also

nissanboy said:
Drives the same... A bit softer over the bumps.

Right now the hatch doenst clear but josh cant be blamed for that. He was making it for a 3" BL with no BL on his truck. I am having the mount brakets moved a bit to make the hatch clear. It only lacks about an inch in clearing the hatch. Im not real sure why it matters for me though since my hatch is stuck closed.... the handle linkage is broken inside and i havent bothered getting in there to fix it. As long as i can swing the tire out to get in the back glass im happy for now.

Not sure if you like the location of the tire carrier or not but why not shift the hinge over so it is aligned with the taillight but then you would have to redesign the latch since that will be still in the way.

It needs to be centered so when i upgrade to 37's it wont stick out past the side of the truck. By moving the bumper brackets down a smidge and out about 1/2" it will clear by a half inch or more. The hatch doesnt open anyway so im not in a hurry to move the hinge.

Josh basically laid the foundation for me to build from.

what d you use for a pivot point on the swing out? I am building ne this week but am kin of stumped what to use

I've used several of the tire carrier hinges from rockstomper.com

Wow I really like that bumper. I have seen alot of ugly ones built but that is damn sexy.
How much was shipping on something like that?

Thank ya very much. Shipping wasn't bad at all, like 50 bucks to NC from WV via UPS.

well I am in the progress of oing on similar to that for my truck. Except the shoe for 2 1/4 was broke so I decided 2 1/2 pipe. Its looking good so far. Will post some pics once its done. Ive decide to just make my own hinge cheaper, quicker and easier
