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2wd Sas.


Explorer Addict
July 30, 2005
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'96 XL
Im going to be aquiring a 99 2wd mountaineer for 500$. Its a theft recovery with no interior, but the drivetrain is very solid and runs and drives. My question is how hard would it be to do a SAS on this truck?? Id be looking at a manual t-case for the 4wd of course. My brother has a 78 bronco in his yard with all axles that he said i could have if i needed.

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IIRC, the output on the transmission won't work with a t-case. I'm sure some of the other guys can elaborate on this.

It will be the same as an SAS on a 4wd vehicle, you just have an extra step with adding 4wd tailhousing and tcase.

Is the Explorer a 5.0 model?

You could definately change it from 4x2 to 4x4 or AWD if it is. I'm sure it is a fairly involved process, but it can be done. I'm 99% sure that something would have to be done to the transmission though. Any 4R70W tranny that came on a 4x4 model (Explorer (AWD), F-150, etc.) should, in theory, work. I'm not sure if there would be any wiring issues from year to year, so you'll definately want to do some research before you start grabbing parts. If you decide to go 4x4, you have your choice between a manual BW4406 and an electric shift BW4406. The manual shift allows you to retain your stock gas tank, but of course, you have to cut a hole in the floor for the shifter. The electric shift version requires that you use a sport gas tank. You also need to get a GEM from a same year 4x4 V6 Explorer. A few other misc. parts are needed as well. For either BW4406 swap, you'll need the front driveshaft from a 97-01 4x4 F150 and a rear driveshaft from a 97-01 4x4 Expedition/Navigator with the 5.4 engine.

I've been doing some research on the BW4406 swap myself... I plan to begin very soon.

Is the Explorer a 5.0 model?

You could definately change it from 4x2 to 4x4 or AWD if it is. I'm sure it is a fairly involved process, but it can be done. I'm 99% sure that something would have to be done to the transmission though. Any 4R70W tranny that came on a 4x4 model (Explorer (AWD), F-150, etc.) should, in theory, work. I'm not sure if there would be any wiring issues from year to year, so you'll definately want to do some research before you start grabbing parts. If you decide to go 4x4, you have your choice between a manual BW4406 and an electric shift BW4406. The manual shift allows you to retain your stock gas tank, but of course, you have to cut a hole in the floor for the shifter. The electric shift version requires that you use a sport gas tank. You also need to get a GEM from a same year 4x4 V6 Explorer. A few other misc. parts are needed as well. For either BW4406 swap, you'll need the front driveshaft from a 97-01 4x4 F150 and a rear driveshaft from a 97-01 4x4 Expedition/Navigator with the 5.4 engine.

I've been doing some research on the BW4406 swap myself... I plan to begin very soon.

Yes its a 5.0 model. And i want the manual transfer case, i dont mind cutting a hole in the floor. I was thinking of building a desert truck but it seems like its going to be cheaper to do an SAS since i have the axles and all that already.

There is nothing wrong with the 8.8, but if the 9 inch is in good shape, I would upgrade while you're at it, especially if your gears don't match, theoretically they will match in the bronco unless someone messed with it, so that will save you some money on new gears.

There is nothing wrong with the 8.8, but if the 9 inch is in good shape, I would upgrade while you're at it, especially if your gears don't match, theoretically they will match in the bronco unless someone messed with it, so that will save you some money on new gears.

Good point, but if he wants to put 35's or larger your wanna regear.

There is nothing wrong with the 8.8, but if the 9 inch is in good shape, I would upgrade while you're at it, especially if your gears don't match, theoretically they will match in the bronco unless someone messed with it, so that will save you some money on new gears.

Thats what i was thinking too. I know the gears were done in the EB and the 9 inch has a locker of some kind. Im going to pull the diff cover off to see what it is and what gear ratio it has before i make the final call on that one. My brother was running 35's on it before the trans gave out. Im thinking it has 4.56's but im not sure, ill find that out tonite.

also a good point, what kind of brakes are on the 9?

Good job on the 3,000 posts. I have a long ways to go before that lmao.

Wow, I guess I should get with the program, I've been on this site for 6 years longer than you guys and still have less posts. :(

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Thanks bud good score on the axles and the mounty. Did you see 97 V8's thread, he's going to have interior and a trans.

Yeah im gonna hit him up on the trans. As far as interior im not really worried about it. Two front seats and a cage are all i really want for this rig. Ill build a custom aluminum dash with autometer gauges and toggle switches and maybe even push button start.

The budget for this build is gonna be around 3k, i wonder if i can do it.
