3.55 gears bad for 31 inch tires? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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3.55 gears bad for 31 inch tires?


Well-Known Member
August 28, 2007
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City, State
Kissimmee, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT
So I was looking through the forum and I keep seeing how its better to have lower gears , higher #'s , when running bigger tires.
I checked my axel codeand its a 45, 3.55 gears, and was wondering if I should get lower gears to run the 31inch tires I have now and I might move up to 32's next time I get tires.
Thanks much.


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I assume you have a V6? 3.55 & 31" tires will be o.k. Any taller & you will need gears.

Yep I have the sohc motor,
Im starting a new job tomorrow that pays alot better so I think im gonna order some 2 inch lift leafs from eaton and twist the front up another 2 inches, its 2wd, and im thinking about getting an aussie locker .
and then 32's eventually.
How much do new gears usually run so I know im not getting ripped off and what do I have to do to my drive shaft to lift it another 2 inches?

Usually around $150 for just the gears. You will also need all new bearings and seals. Summit Racing and 4 Wheel Parts are good places to look.

There are specific vendors you can call as well. Just pick up a Four Wheeler or 4 Wheel Off Road mag and there are at least 3 major vendors

Alright thanks much Dan,
There's a 4wheel parts store in Orlando near where I live I'll check that out.
Think I should go with 3.73's or 4.10's?

if you plan to go bigger after 32's you might want to look into 4.56's so you only have to re-gear once. As for what ratio with 32's 4.10's would be fine up to a 33 (a 33 would be about stock).

4.10's would really make it feel quick off the line but will hurt freeway mileage a little bit but to bring performance close to stock then 3.73's would be your choice the general rule of thumb is (New tire diameter/Old tire diameter) times current gear ratio

remember it will change the speedo to.

I dont think i'll ever go bigger than 32's with it being 2wd and I dont really have a need for them here in Florida.
I think i'll go with the 4.10's so I can still race all the kids in their ricers .
Im not too worried about gas milage I dont take the X on long trips I've got a 26 mpg town car for that.

Thanks much guys I'll take pictures in a few months when its all done and show you how it came out.

I already got the speedo changed after I got a ticket after I got my 31's.
Luckily I know a guy who used to work for ford and he did it for 10 bucks.
