31/10.50-15 tires on stock `99 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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31/10.50-15 tires on stock `99 XLT


New Member
September 2, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Essex, VT
Year, Model & Trim Level
`99 XLT; `02 XLT
Just put 31/10.50 -15 Dayton Timberline AT tires on my stock `99 XLT, using the stock chrome wheels. Fits fine with just a little rubbing under full steering lock on the plastic front valence. Easily fixed with a little belt sanding work, trimming back about 3/4" on the inside edge. Chose these tires because of price as the vehicle will be driven at low highway speeds and off-road on sand so I don't need an expensive tire or one that will last for many thousand miles.

Ride is fine, but the increased diameter (about 5% larger than stock 235/75-15s) does make the car work a little harder. Mileage actually dropped slightly, even correcting for diameter and odometer change.

But, these will primarily be used on beach sand (aired down to 15psi or so) and the on-road speeds will be no more than 45 MPH.

If considering a beach/sand tire, I would say go for the 31/10.50's. If you are spending a lot more time on the road or hilly terrain, then 30/9.50-15s are probably a better bet.

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update on 31X10.50X15" tires for sand

Just got back from first "test drive" on soft beach sand with the new tires.

I thought the larger size would make it easier to go with higher pressures (17 or 18 PSI) but after traveling a little way on the soft beach I aired down to 15 PSI and it was much smoother. Main problem is these tires have 6 ply sidewalls and, for anyone who knows beach tires, you want as flexible a sidewall as possible. 4 ply are okay, 2 ply is better. That way the tires will "pillow" which is what allows it to float on the sand.

If I had the time to properly find beach tires, I would shop Craigslist for used tires, preferably 31 X 10.50s, but would also consider 265 or 275 X 75s (these might be better because the sidewalls might be more pliable). Why used? Well, if you are on sand, it's only going to wear out the tire, especially the sidewall, from the constant "sanding" (pun intended), so why pay money upfront for new tires?

Second, you don't want tread on sand. You want to have the tire float and a deep tread defeats that. You want just enough tread to be safe and legal on the road.

Third, the used tire probably has broken down the sidewall stiffness, making it more suitable for sand.

And, finally, you can usually find good used tires for $100 to $200 per set instead of $600 to $700 per set new.

Have fun. And remember to air down for soft sand. The ride is easier and it really saves your equipment.

Picture of trimmed Bumper Please

I just got 31/10.50/15 BFG KM2 tires for my STOCK 2000 xlt Explorer an I Need some help with how much I Need to trim around the Fog Lights on the Stock Bumper, Can you Please Help me by showing me a pic of your bumper, it would help me very very much Please an Thank You :exp::help::salute:

Sorry to say I don't have a photo, and I no longer have the Explorer.

It's an easy procedure to trim the front valence, though. Just mount the wheels/tires, turn the steering wheel lock to lock and see where it hits. Then trim away.

Good luck.
