33's on a stock 94 Explorer? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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33's on a stock 94 Explorer?

can you get some pics of how much you trimmed?

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this is getting interesting. post more pics asap.

okay well i guess ill have to take pictures of the tires and a video of my rig going down the road so you will all believe me. because they went one with maybe 10 min of fender cutting, ill get some of the stuff i cut too.

I believe it'll go down the road just fine.. but can it articulate fully and compress the suspension fully without rubbing? even while turning? to me it has to do this or the tire is too big

I believe it'll go down the road just fine.. but can it articulate fully and compress the suspension fully without rubbing? even while turning? to me it has to do this or the tire is too big

well ill take some pictures and a video once my girlfriend gets back into town then the camera shes out on work so, thats the hang up at the current moment, i have been mudding with the rig sense the tires have been on it and i can tell you the suspension has enough room to compress, pretty close if not fully. I thank you all for your interest again.

Freshmeat fit 34 LTBs with 2" of lift and lots fender trimming. he claims to have a plenty of room for flex.

okay everyone, judge me fairly, but be honest please, constrictive criticism welcome.

follow this link to a youtube page and watch the videos. there will be 5 of them, movie maker wasn't working properly i dont know why


thanks again
