33's w/only suspension lift? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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33's w/only suspension lift?


Active Member
April 25, 2000
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City, State
Portland, OR
Year, Model & Trim Level
93' XLT 4X4
ok color me stupid..i've looked ...i just put some used 31's on my 93' to see, and now i know i need 33's..but can i get em with only a suspension lift or do i also need a body lift...i'd like to keep my center of gravity as low as possible and avoid unnessesary body roll..but still get some clearance...i can only afford one car..so it's gotta be multiuse, but i gotta get up on tha mountain ya know...

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Sure, Why not?

Well, how much lift did you get? IS it Body or suspension?

I have a 94 XLT 4 door. I just put 35's on there and I only got a 5.5" Suspension Lift. You need roughly an inch more clearance all the way around the tire for 33's to fit over your 31's.

Good Luck

well i havent gotten a lift yet thats why im askin..i just wasnt sure if a body lift was required in addition to a suspension lift or if i only needed the suspension...and what would the MINIMUM amount of suspension lift i would need to fit 33's? i just cant wait..no more suburbans pulling me out of tha snow =}

its a 93, as i wrote in my first post...=P

Ah, yes, I now notice that. I'm sure if you got a Skyjacker 6in lift or a Superlift 5.5 lift, you could comfortably fit a set of 33x15.5's...I've got 6in of lift and a 3in body lift, but I've got wide tires....My mud ones that is, my street tires are gonna be a set of 35in General MT's. I'm also bias to Skyjacker, I loev my lift..It depends on whether you wanna be able to do alot of off roading or mostly looks. The reason I say is because I'm not totally understanding this getting up a mountain...Do ya wanna get on a bigger more mud like tire to go through the snow better? Hope I helped ya a little bit....Pete

Re: Sure, Why not?

Originally posted by Gofast
I have a 94 XLT 4 door. I just put 35's on there and I only got a 5.5" Suspension Lift.
Good Luck

Well, Rob, are you going to admit to him how much you are rubbing and what else you are going to have to do to keep the 35's, or just let him think you're fixed with just the 5.5" lift?

Mr. Conscience here, keeping people honest.... hehehehe...

Who are these voices in my head?...Dead Link Removed WHY won't they stop yelling at me??? Dead Link Removed Not going mad, am I?Dead Link Removed

Jarrett, all I could help ya with is that GoFast also has the 3in body lift, or so says his description at the bottom...But I'm sure there still has gotta be some sorta fender trimming.....Pete

I was just trying to get Rob to fess up. Yeah, I was with him yesterday and rode in his vehicle. He has bought the 3" body lift but hasn't installed it yet. That project is for next Saturday. He needs it. The 35's are really rubbing up front. He'll still need to do some Sawzall or trimming even after he gets the body lift on this weekend.

You have to be Honest?

Ok, Ok, Ok, My passenger side rubs on extreme turn ins, especially if there is any slope to contend with. Drivers side rubs once every 8 hours or so. I have 35 X 12.5's mounted on 15 X 10 rims.

I do not have the body lift installed yet, it's sitting in the back od f the truck just to keep my sig true. That is scheduled for next weekend. I chose to do the front brakes after I discovered about 1/3 rd of each disc pad was missing. Yep, cracked and gone, nothing but rivets left. Only 10K miles since last brake job too.

Anyway, for the record ( and my concious )

YES, I RUB! ( but, not anything that I'm worried about )

Now after the body lift...38's?

Naa be the first to get 44's

38's maybe if ya plan on only driving in the street in a straight line....Really, I wouldn't get anymore...I've got a bit of lift on ya now and I'm still only runnin 33's for the mud....The street, I'm gonna get a set of 35's next spring......Pete

hey thanx for the help..as far as gettin up on the mountain its was just sort of an expresion..but i live in oregon so its really one big mountain...so Goober...do you think you could fit 33x11.5 with only your 4" lift?....without all this infernal rubbing going on?

Most people who run 33's have a 5.5" lift. If you want 33"s then get yourself a 5.5" suspension lift and you will know that you won't have any problems. The reason I say suspension lift is because you get more articualtion with a suspension lift as opposed to a body lift. Do it right the first time, and you won't have to do it all over again. There are people that will tell you that you can get away with this or that, but if you look at all the big dawgs, you'll notice that they didn't do any half a$$ jobs on their trucks. Don't skimp on your suspension.

Ray's got an excellent. I mean not only will you dish out alot to get that next lift if you wanted that greater articulation, you'd end up with a ton of work, alignment and a lift layin around the garage....Pete

hey thanx...now is is absolutely nessesary i regear as soon as i get the lift, or can i wait a while?...god it all adds up...now if only i won the lottery..

You can wait as long as you can tolerate it...I've been on stock gears the whole time and now I'm on 33's..I won't change them till next summer...Pete

What gears do you have in your truck?

Originally posted by shlompyboy
hey thanx...now is is absolutely nessesary i regear as soon as i get the lift, or can i wait a while?...god it all adds up...now if only i won the lottery..

Well that all depends on what gears you have in your truck right now. If you have 3.27's, your truck will be gutless, but if you have 4.10's, you won't have any problems.
What gears do you have in your truck?

I have 3.55's in my truck right now, but I will have to change them out, because I'm going to be running 35" tires, so it's off to the gear shop to have the gears put in and while I'm at it. I'm also putting in a ARB locker in the back and a limited slip in the front, because it doesn't cost any more to have the locker/LS put in while they are putting in the gears. If I put the gears in and then later on put the locker L/S in, it will cost me twice on labor and most of the cost of doing gears and lockers is in labor.

P.S. Yes, it adds up real fast. I already spent 6k on my truck, but it will be more like 13k by the time it's finished. I still have another 2 weeks before I get it back from the shop, and this is going on week number 4.
The good thing for you is that you have a pre95, so there are plenty of accessories to choose from. I have a 97 and just about everything has to be modified to make it work.

[Edited by Ray Lobato on 09-19-2000 at 08:56 PM]

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Ray, what is it that you are looking to put in gear wise? I'm thinking 4.10's to maybe 4.56's..Like I said I've got my 33in boggers(and sitting now) and next spring I'm gonna get a set of 35in General M/T's Now as for the lockers...as of now there is more driving on the street just cause of my crazy school schedual and work when I'm home...For this reason I want a limited slip in the reat and a locker up front...Um, I really don't wanna get into an ARB cause people seem to break em, plus they're gonna cost me too much. So what can I fit up front by the way of a locker...I know I've seen a few threads floating around on this, but never seemed to get a clear answer, especially with our goofy a$$ TTB setup on the front of our explorers...Any help would be great! Thanks, Pete
