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Photos 3rd gen pic's

285/XX/r16 tires. procomp 52 rims

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I can't decide if i want to get a vinly window sticker saying "BTF-Fab" or "Ronin8002"
Thank you James for all your help! :thumbsup:
2.25" Front, 1.75" Rear



Next Mods: 285's or Aussie locker.

hey does your truck sit level with the btf lift you have

hey does your truck sit level with the btf lift you have

The top of the rear wheel well measures about a half inch higher than the front, but for the most part, yes it sits pretty level. A 2.5 front 1.75 rear may level it out more

Just a couple pics after I washed and waxed the other day. Decided to throw on my old NY plates from our old explorer to change up the pics a bit. Enjoy!



Just a couple pics after I washed and waxed the other day. Decided to throw on my old NY plates from our old explorer to change up the pics a bit. Enjoy!



Looks great! I love a clean Ex!

Looks great! I love a clean Ex!

Yeah me too lol. I try to wash and wax at least once a week. My camera doesnt take the best pics though. My friends SLR takes such better pics of the truck.

Here's my X after the 1.5" BL...


Before body lift




Also a comparison with another X... Mine is the one on the left..


I have 235/70/R16 and the other X has 245/75/R16... and I believe that mine is just a little bit taller...

Sorry for the big pics but I only had my cellphone to take them...

Fantastic work. She look's top's:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks lynchy, definitely this forum creates addiction to the mods... :D I regret of not being part of the forum before I bought the tires, now I'll have to wait some time to buy a new set of bigger tires.

I want to get some off road lights on the roof rack or behind the grill along with another mods so any suggestions or comments are very welcome...

BTF lift here within 2 weeks. HECK YEA! anyone hav pics with just BTF lift and no body lift?

now I'll have to wait some time to buy a new set of bigger tires.

I was just about to say all you need is a set of tires and you'll gain some more ground clearance.

Yeah I know, so bad that I stuck with the idea of getting the stock size in order to maintain stability and mpg... I still have the idea on my mind about getting a used set of 265's in the next couple of months but I'm not sure yet :(...




EDIT: Roughly $4200 in the span of 11 months

thanks james! sadly it only shows half the money invested and none of the blood and sweat

A few spring pics from today


EDIT: The paint on those passenger side doors really bug the sh*t out of me....

Great pics!

? :scratch:

On the first pic, look at the front passenger door, then the back one. There is a color difference. I've noticed many explorers of this gen have the "retarded door paint"

On the first pic, look at the front passenger door, then the back one. There is a color difference. I've noticed many explorers of this gen have the "retarded door paint"

hard to tell from the pic, but I'll take your word for it. that's weird man.

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BTF lift here within 2 weeks. HECK YEA! anyone hav pics with just BTF lift and no body lift?

before with 225s

after with 255s
