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Where did you get yours tinted at I am looking to get my fronts tinted also.

How much was the ticket because thats the only thing I am worried about, I get enough of those red light camera tickets as it is.

the company changed owners but there are a ton of places on long island, tones tunes(guys a dick) place next to ihop called percision audio changed owners. Any place that does tints dont pay more than $60. i believe audio planet as well in huntington does them to. i payed $60 for mine to so called match the back and was out in 30 min. The ticket i believe was $90

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the company changed owners but there are a ton of places on long island, tones tunes(guys a dick) place next to ihop called percision audio changed owners. Any place that does tints dont pay more than $60. i believe audio planet as well in huntington does them to. i payed $60 for mine to so called match the back and was out in 30 min. The ticket i believe was $90

Thanks, im gonna check out a couple LI places and go one day when im free.

Hey MCD04EB, i was wondering if you remember what kind of paint you used to paint your grill. I'm planning on doing the same thing to mine. Yours looks great btw

hey man! thanks! I went to my local auto shop (pep boys) and i had gotten a brand called Brite Touch general purpose paint. It was a cheap brand but i used it on my old s-10s wheels and they looked good too. When i painted it i did like 4-5 coats because i went over it then waited like 10 minutes and did a couple other coats with 10 minutes in between then i sprayed sideways to get the sides of the grill (on the inside of the grill, the little squares) and let it dry, it only took about 45 minutes tops, and i think it changes the look a lot! just be sure to do even coats and cover everything, thats what i did! if you have any more questions just ask!

Thanks man

I thought I'd post a few pic's of my awesome Arnold scharzenegger flex :D cough, bulls***,cough cough.


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Greg is that some 3 wheel action?

I wish someone would make a Solid Rear Axle...that would also help a lot...

EDIT: had to fix my sentence. :D

I wish someone would make a Solid Rear Axle for the rear...that would also help a lot...

So would swaybar disconnects;)

So would swaybar disconnects;)

I find that it's quite fun messing around with the rear axle flex on a 2nd gen and 3rd gen. :D The second gen always wins.




get that 3rd gen flex!

Nice mate, nice!!!:thumbsup:

My locker is going to have to wait for awhile, a long while. Chrissie present hopefully?:dunno:

Woot !!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^

I had 2.25/2" spacers on the EB. I actually got about 3.5"-4" of lift out of those spacers. I'm of the opinion that a 1.5"/1" spacer set up would net about 2-3" of lift without the pitfalls being as severe. The only problem is I'm not willing to pay $200-$300 again to see if it actually works.

So I have a friend making me some 1.25"/1" spacers at a price I'm willing to pay for this experiment. I have a feeling I'll get about 2" of lift when all is said and done without all the negatives. I won't be installing till spring, but pics and a full review will follow the install.

Awesome photo mate:thumbsup:

i wish i had some sand near my place!

I thought I'd post a few pic's of my awesome Arnold scharzenegger flex :D cough, bulls***,cough cough.

Those tail lights are awesome. Any chance I could get you to find a set locally and see what shipping would be to the US?

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Took a trip into the mountains. Here's a few pictures I took.





Snow was about up to the mirrors.


Trail washed out in a few places here's one of the more minor washouts

Fun time, the way down wasn't as fun as there was some sliding in the rear of the Ex. Other than that the trip was easy and I had some fun out there.
Here's on of my favorite pictures I took during the trip.

How do u like them lights. Are they just as bright as the stock ones. Im thinking about getting a set. idk yet, i havent made up my mind. I think they would look good on mine cause of the color of my explorer
