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Very nice!!! How are you liking the BFG AT's? Seems to me if you are going to keep doing what you're doing, I'd switch to some BFG MT's?

The A/Ts where ok, To be honest I had to pull out some jeeps during the day and it gave me enough traction... I also had my fair share of being stuck as well though... M/T's would be nice but Im thinking on getting an old Cherokee to wheel instead.

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I know it's not a modification but this is what I replaced, Now I understand why my puddle lamps have never worked, but they aren't very bright, I guess that I'll have to do an LED conversion.
Do you guys know where I can buy LED's in bulk but also at retail (walk-inable store)?

i have not seen LEDs at a retail store. Im sure autozone or one of those has them but they might just be the panels in blue.

order from superbright LEDs. try to get natural white bc the cool white will be white but have shades of blue as well.

I was and honestly it sucked, now that is my opinion I don't want people to think im a hater. One thing while hitting these trails is the ground clearance sucked. However when I had a lift (had 1.5/1.5 spacers, also had 3/2.5 spacers and a 3 inch body lift) I found that my travel wasn't benefiting me at all. Actually I had less travel with a lift. I may be interested in the rancho quicklifts but for that price I could by an old cherokee and use that for my heavy offroading.... Oh BTW don't do what i did... MUD SUCKS TO CLEAN! LOL

You're right on the money. Max you can really go is about 1.25" in the front with the BTF arms and 1" in the rear...and that's really really close. After that you start having parts hitting together and losing downtravel as you well know. I switched to those size spacers a short while ago and am pleased with the improvement. Can't do much else for big time clearance on these other than SAS, maybe I'll do that in a few years.

Xplorerguru, totally love those rims with those caps, what size tires you runnin?

Here are some pictures of my ex before and after lift. The pics of the lift are horrible, but it's all I have right now.







Next is getting the exhaust moved, and front skid plate.

urban off road in border of queens and brooklyn. these are only pics i have on my phone. will upload more from camera when i get home.





Here's a couple new pics, added brushguard and put on some running boards for the wife. I am going to get some rocksliders and replace the boards here soon.



Here's a new addition to my X... :D



They are not connected yet but will be tomorrow or Wednesday...

Let me know what you think...

Ranger, i like the new mods, when you're about to replace the side steps with sliders, send me a pm, i might be interested in purchasing them if you're looking to sell.
Fofo, Thats a cool light bar. I was looking for something like that but a little lower. It matches well with roof rack and lights.

Fofo, Thats a cool light bar. I was looking for something like that but a little lower. It matches well with roof rack and lights.

Thanks man, I got the bar from my good friend "craiglist", lol :biggthump... it looks like it was on a 90s chero and it only cost me $70 bucks...

Here's a couple new pics, added brushguard and put on some running boards for the wife. I am going to get some rocksliders and replace the boards here soon.
Welcome to the brushguard/pushbar club lol

And I hear you on wanting I learn to use my welder I'm going to buy some and modify them.

Here's a new addition to my X... :D

That install came out really clean, did that yourself or did you use a shop?

That install came out really clean, did that yourself or did you use a shop?

I did it myself and it was pretty straight forward... I'm not the best just drilled 2 holes on the bumper and the support in the middle... I'm still not sure if I did the correct thing drilling the bumper but I hope this holds... while I was re-installing the bumper, I repainted it so it looks better I think...

Hey ranger, what brand of running boards are those?

Hey ranger, what brand of running boards are those?

They are the 4.5" ones from Hunter on Ebay. I did not like the way the hung so low at 1st, so I cut the mounts and rewelded them to tuck them up to the body.

Welcome to the brushguard/pushbar club lol

And I hear you on wanting I learn to use my welder I'm going to buy some and modify them.

Thats what I am going to do too. I am looking at the 78" toyota sliders.

Here's a new addition to my X... :D

They are not connected yet but will be tomorrow or Wednesday...

Let me know what you think...

Another Ex with a light bar! I like it, looks really good!

Another Ex with a light bar! I like it, looks really good!

thanks dude, I always wanted one bar like yours but when I asked for prices locally they were like 180bucks + lights and this one cost me much less than that...

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Welcome to the brushguard/pushbar club lol

And I hear you on wanting I learn to use my welder I'm going to buy some and modify them.

That install came out really clean, did that yourself or did you use a shop?

What welder did you end up getting?
