4.0 OHV Engine Rebuild | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 OHV Engine Rebuild


Elite Explorer
October 4, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Phoenix, Arizona
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 4x4 Limited
I need to rebuild the 4.0 OHV engine in my '93 Explorer Sport to replace all gaskets since I got a kit that comes with everything in it. I cannot find any threads on how to do it, and I wanted to see if anyone had already posted how to tear down the engine while it is still in the car. My original problem is a coolant leak. Not your average coolant leak, more like a "Hey Ma, I just turned my exhaust pipe into a fire hose" kind of leak. There was literally a hole in the ground in my driveway where the exhaust was shooting out. I am hoping it is just the gasket(s) but I worry it is a cracked block since the leak is so severe. The oil looks like coffee with a lot of creamer in it, even after I changed it. So yeah if anyone could point me to somewhere I could find a guide to do it that would be great. If not then I will have to take tons of pictures and write my own guide (maybe Rick will give me Elite Explorer privileges for it).

p.s. If anyone knows where to get a good running 4.0 OHV replacement engine REAL cheap, let me know.

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It sounds like a possible head gasket. Why do you want to tear everything apart? Try replacing the head gasket first. Where did you buy the rebuild kit? What brand is it? Felpro makes good gaskets.

Yes the kit I got is from Fel-Pro. I think you may have misunderstood me, I want to tear it down to the heads and replace the gaskets, not ALL the way down.

Fel-Pro HS 9724 PT-1
Gasket Set Includes:
Qty...Part No.......Description
1-.....9724 PT-2...Head Gasket
1-.....9725 PT-2...Head Gasket
1-.....35404.........Water Outlet
2-.....50368 C......Valve Cover
1-.....60886.........Throttle Body
1-.....70149.........Exhaust Gas Recirculation
6-.....92588.........O Ring
12-....93806.........Intake and Exhaust Valve Stem Seal (premium quality)
1-.....94059.........Air Bypass Valve
1-.....94682-1......Intake Manifold
2-.....94683.........Fuel Rail to Plenum
2-.....94764.........Exhaust Manifold
1-.....95544.........Distributer O Ring

I want to tear down the engine to the heads and see if it is the head gasket or if it is a cracked head. If It if just the gasket, then I will open up this gasket kit and build it back up.

Ive seen threads about it, but what problems will I have putting a '94 engine into a '93?
