4.0L SOHC VS. 5.0L V8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0L SOHC VS. 5.0L V8


October 31, 2002
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Tampa Bay, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 eddie
Lets put this one to rest, with my V6 I can tow more than the weight of my explorer and with a few mods I've got approximately 240 HP with 0-60 mph times under 8 seconds. So unless you need to tow a motorhome weighing 7000 pounds the 4.0L is the superior engine IMHO, I had a V8 before and I would take the 6 over it any day. If I needed my explorer to tow more than 5000 lbs, than I'd buy an expedition and do it right.
Now feel free to crucify me V8 guys.

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Originally posted by jaybyrd
[Band with a few mods I've got approximately 240 HP with 0-60 mph times under 8 seconds. [/B]

What are these mods? What axel ratio?


im not gonna crucify you on this one.. my dad has a 99 limited with the sohc v6 and i have a 98 v8. I like his for general driving and good gas mileage but i cant part with my v8. the v8 for me is great runin through the backroads and pullin stuff. i own an inboard ski boat, about 22 feet long and with trailer weighing close to 5000 lbs. The v8 tows the boat with no problem, great up the hills and is extremely reliable. my dads however cannot tow the boat half as well as my explorer. both are great but the v8 is better. plus not to mention the endless opportunities of mods for the v8

i should go buy one and swap it in.


for real though, what should i say? i don't want to get in to a flame war with our own members. he's happy, your happy, i'm happy lets keep it that way.

Originally posted by expo5.0
i should go buy one and swap it in.

Jaybyrd, read up on the SOHC's reliability issues and then decide which is the superior engine.

Oh, and it's more likely that you have about 175-180 RWHP.

sohc superior, not even close. Your limited to intake, exhaust, and chip for mods and maybe some other minor things.

The 5.0 on the other hand responds a sh!tload better to mods and has an endless supply of mods available. Not to mention it's a lot more reliable. As for gas mileage I drive our hard in the city and get btween 15-16mpg in our 5.0 Mounty.

For towing, our 5.0 Mounty pulls our 27ft Fountain w/o a problem, I wouldn't even attempt that with a sohc. You can't even feel our 20ft Jet Boat or two Waverunners behind the 5.O Mounty. I had to use a friends 00' XLT with the sohc one time to pull our jet boat off our dock and it was struggling compared to the 5.0 and felt about the same as the 94' pulling it.

you know all those neons with random parts painted, and big wings and stuff? with my 5.0 i can still pull them when pulling my 20 foot jet boat! can any sohc do that reliably?

Originally posted by expo5.0
you know all those neons with random parts painted, and big wings and stuff? with my 5.0 i can still pull them when pulling my 20 foot jet boat! can any sohc do that reliably?
LOL! very true:D

Well, since I've had my share of pulling trucks out of stucks, pulling cars on trailers, pulling boats, hauling lots of cargo, pulling heavy machinery out of mud, etc. with my Mountaineer, I have two phrases to say:

1. 5-0, made for snow.
2. 302, it'll do.

How many V6ers can say that they pulled heavy machinery out of a stuck that a Z-71 couldn't pull out. Then again, with a Chevy, I'm not surprised that a 4x2 V8 powered soccer mom-mobile look-a-like could outpull a Chevy. No wonder no Chevy people have accepted my challenge in a pull-off.


Originally posted by jaybyrd
with a few mods I've got approximately 240 HP

you need more then a few mods to get that. unless you've done a lot more than basic bolt ons (IHE).

yes, he's right, the SOHC6 is far superior. do a search. most V8 guys here get the same gas mileage as the SOHC. you can have the 5 liter's GT-40p heads full ported and chevy valves installed for around $600. throw in a cam for another $250, and you've got 330-340 hp on the flywheel. it would take a blower AND nitrous to get that on a SOHC, and it wouldnt do that long. also, the 5 liter is one of the toughest stock V8's around. they very commonly go over 200k miles with relativly no oil consumption.

if you are happy with your SOHC, then good. but you really cant compare the 2.

I tried so hard not to respond to this post, but I can't resist. The '98+ 5.0 is the epitome of Ford's small block refinement evolution -- 35+ years in the making.

My bone stock 5.0 puts down 270 ft-lb at the wheels, gets 22-23 mpg on the highway (avg 70-75mph), 19mph combined city/hwy -- AWD even, came with a LEV (low-emissions vehicle) rating sticker, tows a 4800lb 8ftX93in frontal area travel trailer with ease, and I guarantee will provide 200K of faithful service w/o a problem. Why do I expect that? Because I also have a '94 Cobra 5.0 and previously a '90 GT 5.0, '90 Crown Vic Police Interceptor 5.0, '90 Bronco 5.0, '88 Cougar 5.0, and '83 Capri 5.0. 3 of the aforementioned vehicles had over 250,000 miles when I got rid of them. I would not keep buying them if they weren't so bulletproof.

Which parameter about the 4.0 is better than the 5.0? I haven't even listed all of my previous Fords (351C's, 351W's, 460's, a '72 Ranger with a 490, and a '96 Grand Marquis with a 4.6). Maybe I have missed something about Ford engines over the decades ;)

Anyway, if you're happy, I'm happy. That's cool. I want technical data or specs to back up your claim before I leave the best all-around Ford short block ever produced -- the 302.

You can't even get the 4r70w with the 4.0 -- sad.

Check your 4.0's miniscule performance and durability heritage then read up on the 5.0's march of advancement trough the late 60's and starting again in the mid 80's with E5, E7, GT-40, and GT-40P versions. Peace.

Check your 4.0's miniscule performance and durability heritage then read up on the 5.0's march of advancement trough the late 60's and starting again in the mid 80's with E5, E7, GT-40, and GT-40P versions. Peace. [/B]

Ouch... ;)

hi im new to the forum and i'm VERY interested in this thread.. as im looking to rid myself of this painful 160 hp v6 that is just a piece of crap. i was thinking a 302 swap, but i dont know if its feasable for my knowledge level.. and i want to change from 4x4 to 2wd.. so i can lower the suspension drastically.. anyway..

what are these problems with the 4.0 sohc that you were talking about?

Mistake Post

And 23 MPG on the highway is a bit high for a stock 5.0 also.


Originally posted by elemenopee
hi im new to the forum and i'm VERY interested in this thread.. as im looking to rid myself of this painful 160 hp v6 that is just a piece of crap. i was thinking a 302 swap, but i dont know if its feasable for my knowledge level.. and i want to change from 4x4 to 2wd.. so i can lower the suspension drastically.. anyway..

what are these problems with the 4.0 sohc that you were talking about?
The 4.0L OHV is not a piece of crap. It's a tried and true torque machine that is good for many many, miles of hard use. It's just that it's a dated design.

If you seriously want to do an engine swap, the 5.0 is the only way to go. Do not even consider the SOHC.

Robb- 23 mpg on the highway is definatly feasable with a 5.0. i get 20.5-21.5 every time i travel, and thats running 75-80mph the whole way with 3:73's. i would imagine i could get 22-23 if i set the cruise on 70...

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Originally posted by james t
Robb- 23 mpg on the highway is definatly feasable with a 5.0. i get 20.5-21.5 every time i travel, and thats running 75-80mph the whole way with 3:73's. i would imagine i could get 22-23 if i set the cruise on 70...
OK, it is feasible, but a little hard to believe in an AWD stock 5.0. But, I have been known to be wrong (very often).


btw: happy belated 28th b-day. I just looked at your profile and noticed you were only 3 weeks behind me.
