4.0L SOHC VS. 5.0L V8 | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0L SOHC VS. 5.0L V8

Having seen the various Automotive magazine tests of the '98 & '99 Explorer V8 vs. 4.0 SOHC, the SOHC equivalent edged out the 5.0L by .3 seconds in the 1/4 miles for an otherwise identical Explorer. In '98 the additional 2 doors added 180 lbs. to an Explorer, however the 4x4 system added 230 lbs. Motor Trend 5/99 tested a '99 4x4 XLT SOHC V6 (4-door) and recorded 16.6 in the 1/4 @ 75.1 MPH. Trailer Life magazine tested a '99 2WD 5.0L Explorer in early '99 and recorded 16.7 in the 1/4. The tests that I've seen of the 5.0L V8 AWD Explorers come in around 16.9. The SOHC has the advantage of a 5-speed automatic that puts an extra gear between the original 1st and 2nd gears of the old 4-speed. The extra gear keeps the SOHC in the proper power band all the way up to about 60 MPH. The SOHC also has the added advantage of carrying the gears all the way to 6000 RPM as opposed to the 4800-5200 that the 5.0L shift at. The 5-speed advantage translate to quick launches while the 6000 RPM red-line helps keep the lead.

Having ran my '97 4x4 SOHC Sport back in 3/00 against a co-workers '98 AWD 5.0L at Firebird Raceway I have experienced first hand the advantages the SOHC holds. The closed of 4 runs was 16.374 on mine versus 16.983 on his. My Explorer had 50K miles on it at the time and was completely stock. His had 15K on it and was completely stock. The 180 lb. weight saving due to the lack of 2 doors was not enough to make up the entire .609 difference.

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Be patient gang, the goodies will come now that Ford is putting the SOHC 4.0 in the 'stang.

I have a 2004 V6...with 210HP as claimed by edmunds.com I think I am happy. I test drove a V8 and loved it, but it was very base for something with a V8...only had the 16" wheels, no steps, looked pretty cheap...I took the XLT Sport Package 4x4 over a V8. So far I am very happy with the V6...not that peepy as the V8 but the last thing I need is an engine that has peep to it...am glad to be dropping speeding tickets :) Oh, and it did 110mph (speed limited) with no problems, I believe it could do 125-130mph if chipped.

The naighbor had a 1997 Limited V6 and he had it for over 230K miles with no work on it. My parents had a 1991 XLT V6 4-door 4x2 with 36K miles after 7 years and with a few problems....nothing big; considering the age, they ended up selling it in Africa...I got to drive it in High School and I thought it was peepy and fun to drive. The engine/trans had no problems during that time.

Is the 5.0 V8 the same as in the 1988 Grand Marquis? Just wondering my parents bout my Grandparents 1988 for $500 a few years back so they would have a car state side...that thing just keeps on ticking with only minor work from time to time to it...not enough to justify a new car :) Those engines just seem to keep on ticking.

Hmm...hook a 4K lb trailer to the rear of each of those 4.0L and 5.0L Explorers and race up a 6% grade WOT for a mile in New Mexico or Colorado and I believe you will see a big difference!

Point being each was designed and engineered to do a specific job. Mike

the 5.0 only makes 33lbs more torque than the sohc

Originally posted by MikeTEC
Hmm...hook a 4K lb trailer to the rear of each of those 4.0L and 5.0L Explorers and race up a 6% grade WOT for a mile in New Mexico or Colorado and I believe you will see a big difference!
Point being each was designed and engineered to do a specific job. Mike

Like you said point being each is for a specific job...most people wont need the V8, the V6 is good enough...I'm comparing newer models. I tow, but only a motorcycle from time to time, and if a I4 Escort with 110hp can tow the bike and trailer the V6 Explorer sure will do a good enough job for me. If your towing a lot, specially long distances then it would be dumb to not get the V8. Then again if your doing that much heavy towing a F350 might be a better investment. To each there own, but I did not buy the Explorer for speed, towing or sportyness...it is what it is and I like it how it is.

that's the reson i got the v8..towing..my 94 struggles with the lightest trailer...this v8 with 6k behind it..pulls like a dream..i have only towed our 6k camping trailer once..but we plan to use it alot this summer..and a BIG + with the v8 has MANY MANY more mod's out there for it..+ with most you get bigger power gain's..a v6 is never gonna be better then a v8 just like a 4cy is never gonna be better then a v6 and a v8's never gonna be better then a v10..it's just the way it is..

Originally posted by Billy177
the 5.0 only makes 33lbs more torque than the sohc

And that is even year dependant. In '97 & '98 the difference was only 24 ft/lbs. and surprisingly the V8's torque peak occurs 200 RPM higher. Horsepower on the V8 was only 6 more in '97 & '98. Ford made some slight changes with the '99 that bumped the torque up to 288 from the previous 274 though.

Originally posted by MikeTEC
Hmm...hook a 4K lb trailer to the rear of each of those 4.0L and 5.0L Explorers and race up a 6% grade WOT for a mile in New Mexico or Colorado and I believe you will see a big difference!

Point being each was designed and engineered to do a specific job. Mike

How many people here are going to hook up a 4K lb. trailer and race up a 6% grade at WOT for a mile in New Mexico or Colorado? I have no doubt that the V8 would win but this is a rare circumstance (although not so rare to the person that has to do it regularly). My SOHC has no problems pulling my 2500 lb. tent trailer up the 6% grades every month here in Arizona at or above the posted speed limit of 65-75 MPH. I pulled a loaded 5x8 enclosed trailer from Ohio to Arizona back in '98 and was able to easily maintain the speed limits through New Mexico (I-40) and everywhere else I happened upon. The V8 is undoubtably the towing champion comparred to either V6, but the SOHC isn't nearly the weakling that everyone makes it out to be. Decent torque mated to a 5-speed automatic and optional 4.10 gears and it will move just about anything that "most" people would subject it to with authority.

don't go bashing the SOHC's you 5.0ers. The SOHC, although may not be comparable with the 5.0 v8, is still a solid truck. I have a 1997 XLT with factory everything and is solid as a rock. I have no problems pulling anything, no tranny problems, no engine problems, has very very nice pickup.. nicer than my 94 camaro v6 w/ mods.. now it's obvious the v8 has more power, meaning more pickup etc.. but the SOHC is not at all a bad engine.. im at 59k miles and going strong :)

Please accept my apologies, guys with 4.0L SOHCs. It was not my intent to bash anyone. My wife and I own two Explorers, a 93 with a 4.0L and a 96 with the 5.0L. Both are great vehicles.

I also will be the first to say Ford builds a great 4.0L SOHC engine. We Explorer owners have to stick together!

Also to each their own on the mods...I probably will never do a mod to my Explorer so I do not care if their are mods for the V6 or not.

Most Explorers on the road are stock, like any cars/trucks only a handfull will ever mod their autos. Oh, it also depends on the meaning of "mod" I see some post how they paint such and such part and call it a mod...lol Although true in that it is a modification it hardly is a "mod".

Lets just put it this way, both engines are just as good. Whatever one you pick is up to you and I bet you will be happy with either....after all it beats walking.

I know for a fact the the SOHC is a good motor, the 5.0 is a good motor.
I own a 2000 eddie bauer 2wd 4.0l sohc with factory 4.10s and my dad owns a 2000 eddiebauer 2wd 5.0l with 3.73 his is stock and i have a KKm air filter and everytime we raced i beat him, not just to 60, we took them out in the country and raced to 100 and i won, CLOSE race but i won. The 5spd auto shifts quicker and with my 410 i had him off the line but he pretty much never left my side i had half a length on him

But on the other hand, i work for Ford. I do alot of work on the 4.0L SOHC engines.Not alot of work on the 5.0L. You are right, the 4.0L sohc is a strong engine, but the tryed and true 5.0L is a good engine and the problems with them are almost minimal compared to the 4.0L sohc.Right now there is alot of recalls on that engine(jack shaft and cassets,marble sound on start up.)

They both have a good point and bad points,just what engine does what for you?????
