4.0l + t-5.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0l + t-5....


Explorer Addict
March 14, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Bremerton, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer XL
I just found out that the `05+ Mustang with the 4.0L SOHC has a T-5 mated to it....instead of the M5OD that we are used to dealing with.

Has anyone done this swap yet? If the T-5 is possible, the T-56 isn't too far away then...


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No1 on the forum has done it, or else the thread would have been HUGE!!! :)
But JamesDuff used to sell a kit but no mo..

big PITA conversion

I have heard of one 4.0L OHV with a WCT5 behind it over the years.
It was in a Ranger, it requires ALOT of work and some special parts I believe (from a 2.3L truck? cant remember)
If I remember right the problem is:
getting t case behind WC t5
Gearing is all wrong for a 4x4

big PITA conversion

I have heard of one 4.0L OHV with a WCT5 behind it over the years.
It was in a Ranger, it requires ALOT of work and some special parts I believe (from a 2.3L truck? cant remember)
If I remember right the problem is:
getting t case behind WC t5
Gearing is all wrong for a 4x4

He's 2wd the the 4x4 part won't be a problem for him

yup those are just the things I remember
the Tc uses a clutch fork I think so the entire maual clutch setup will need to be fabricated, maybe look to an 84-85 Ranger/BII for that

I will be looking for the WHOLE T-5 set-up from the Mustang.

Those familiar with me and my X will know that custom fabrication is NO PROBLEM at all. But from my understanding, there's not much fab. required.


why not just go V8 then? LOL

^^^^^moooooore power!!!!

If I can get a T56 in there, there won't be a need to go V8


.......just to confirm with you guys......

Both versions of the 4.0L have the same bellhousing pattern......right?


how is the 4.0L OHV t-5 setup then? someone touched on it but didnt elaborate as to the level of PITA lol

Can I get a confirmation that the 4.0L OHV and the 4.0L SOHC utilizes the EXACT SAME bellhousing...

I have already confirmed that my 1992 Explorer w/ M5OD uses the EXACT SAME starter as the current T-5 equipped V6 Mustangs


Seriously guys....does ANYBODY KNOW if the 4.0L SOHC shares the same bellhousing pattern as the 4.0L OHV?

