4 successful upgrades to Windows 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4 successful upgrades to Windows 10


Pumpkin Pilot
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Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
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Three upgrades were from Windows 7, and one was from Win 8.1. Everything went very well on all, but one computer. The garage all in one machine kept hanging up during the install. I searched the error numbers on Google and found a fix for the update issue.

Once Windows 10 installs you will most likely want to change many security settings immediately so that the computer will act behave more privately than Microsoft would like.

Basically if it sounds intrusive, it is. ;)

Other than that, no complaints. It's running as smooth as silk on all four machines.:thumbsup:

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Kinda scared to move over. I will wait to see what pops up. Happy with 7 currently.

I'm not having the same luck :(

I got it installed on my Lenovo t60p (core 2 duo) and it's working fine (only 3gb of ram and SSD h/d).. It's working fine here..

On the important machine (Yo's lenovo r61), I got it to install and it "looks" like all is fine but if you let the machine sit, it sort of locks...

For example, On the first "real boot" of Windows 10 (before it set up preferences) if you don't log in right away once you enter the password for the account nothing happens.

If I get past that (hard power off/power on) and use her machine for a few minutes you start to click on things and things don't update. For example, hit the X to close a window and it might now close. Once that happens, even clicking on the start button doesn't bring anything up.

Both machines are core2 duos (hers is a t8200 I think) and both were upgraded from Windows 7 ultimate BUT, her machine is running the 32-bit version..

I upgraded her SSD before doing the upgrade so I just keep putting the old h/d back in and then copy it all back to the new SSD. Right now I have her running her old Winodws 7 but on the new SSD just to make sure it isn't the SSD causing the issues.. Next will be trying a clean install of Windows 10 64-bit BUT I think I need to do a fresh Windows 7 64-bit install so I can get the Windows 10 key to use during the install.

At this rate, I'm not looking forward to the other upgrades. I still have 2 XP and 4 more Windows 7 boxes. I'm going to try to combine a few machines.


I had 8.1 or 8.2 (whatever the latest version is) on my laptop but hated it since my laptop does not have a touch screen. I just updated it and holy crap Microsoft wants to watch everything I do. Like Rick said go though the security and privacy settings and change all settings with sending info to Microsoft.

. I just updated it and holy crap Microsoft wants to watch everything I do.

I noticed that too.. But, so far, other than them wanting to know everything I do so they can make the Cortana thing work better I do like Windows 10. I tried 8.0 but without a touch screen it was horrible and I never tired 8.1.

So far, I've only found a single app that I care about (Vsphere Client 5.0) that didn't work in Windows 10 but luckily they have an updated version of 5.0 that worked in Windows 8.1. I put that on my Windows 10 box and I can get to my ESXI host to work with my VM's.

Oh yea, I'm not sure how I feel about the forced Windows updates. Luckily I'm upgrading Windows 7 Pro or Ultimate so the Windows 10 version we get will let us sort of postpone updates, unlike home user versions.


Mark, 8.x was easily setup to act just like Windows 10. I got rid of all the Win 8 crap immediately after installing my first copy. It always booted into the desktop, not the "Metro" tiles. I also had it setup with a Windows 7 start button all through the Classic Shell program.

I was letting Microsoft automatically update Win 8.x. I never had an issue because of it, so I was eager to see how the upgrade to 10 would turn out. So far so good.

I upgraded my home computer, from 7 to 10 with no issues. It start ups and launches pages, games, etc.. a little faster.

I'll add that there haven't been any issues on any of our four computers since I installed WIn 10 in August.

It would skeer me a bit, having a big corporation like microsoft give me a operating system for free.
They don't really give anything away for free, without expecting a profit from it later.
And the underhanded way they released a very vague and spotty terms of use, with a very strict for you and liberal for them, version to follow it.
All the privacy you toss out the window with win 10.
leasing apps like microsoft office may be the future, but not my future.

I have been using linux for about 10 years. I have win 7 for when I need to use a windows app that just wont work on linux, but that is pretty rare for my daily purposes.

Anyone have the Start button fail to respond? The Start menu has stopped opening, as well as any icon on the bottom right of screen (internet status, volume, notifications, etc.)

I went from Vista to 10 with clean install. I should also note that I went from Win98SE to Vista.

All in all, I liked 98SE the best. I think I was one of 6 people on the planet who used it long enough to get all the bugs fixed.

Anyone have the Start button fail to respond? The Start menu has stopped opening, as well as any icon on the bottom right of screen (internet status, volume, notifications, etc.)

I went from Vista to 10 with clean install. I should also note that I went from Win98SE to Vista.

All in all, I liked 98SE the best. I think I was one of 6 people on the planet who used it long enough to get all the bugs fixed.

I gave up on getting it installed and running on Yolanda's r60 lenovo. I can upgrade it from 7 to 10 and it seems to work fine for 5-10 minutes. After that things stop responding and by that I mean click on the Start button does nothing, clicking on an app may make it come up but then it's non responsive It's more like it's not displaying correctly since I was able to do a power off using the keyboard (ctrl-esc to bring up the start menu, up twice to get to the power option, enter then down arrow to go to power off and enter)..

I'm leaning towards driver issues but I haven't tried to fix it again as it's her main computer she uses. It may not be the fastest but with the SSD it is very usable. I may try Windows 10 again on it, but who knows...

It is still working pretty good on my t60p lenovo although I am having intermittent wifi DNS issues where it can't find a web site but if I hit the back button and try again it works.. I have that issue with crome and M$ edge...


Wife and I have identical laptops, but for some reason hers has Java installed while I do not.

WIN 10 ran ok on mine but hers went south. It "works" but is not a good experience. duo core 2 mghz 4gb traditional hard drive.

Bumping this today because today is the day of doom. I did procrastinate, but gave in and got a new laptop which will arrive next week.

Feel like i am breaking up with a girlfriend. I've broken and fixed this thing so many times,at last 4 cracked displays, 5-6 dog slobbered keyboards, jb weld on the power plug port. 2 hdd's.


I'm sure you will get over the old laptop quickly while enjoying your speedy new toy.

I'm sure you will get over the old laptop quickly while enjoying your speedy new toy.
Agreed. Just got the windows 7 out of support warning on my workhorse laptop. Eh. This thing will run Win 7 until the bitter end.

Although, with virtual machines I could probably survive a transition to 10.

well, not being the kind to leave well enough alone i found a way to get win 10 free and image this HDD at the same time. I just used a usb to save needed files and dumped the rest.

and now that I have to use it I am getting more used to it. I do know this seems like a new laptop now.
