4" Superlift plus 3" bodylift on 33s Pictures | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4" Superlift plus 3" bodylift on 33s Pictures


Well-Known Member
June 13, 2012
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Northwest Indiana
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Sport Trac 4x4
Anyone have pictures of a second gen Ex with the 4" Superlift plus the 3" bodylift that's running 33" tires? Or the same setup with 35s?

I searched through the entire forum, especially the show off your lifted truck and show off your lifted 2nd gen thread but with so many older pictures missing, and so many pictures without descriptions, it's hard to track down.

I want to see what one looks like so I can decide if I want to keep the 33s and wheels I have already bought, or go with 35s and 16" wheels. I decided pretty late into the project to do the body lift, and I'm wondering if I should install it when everything's getting put back together, or wait until I can afford new larger wheels and tires.

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bump looking for this exact thing...

don't have the body lift, but Superlift, tt shackles, and 35's with minimal trimming on the front,,


  • coils and 35's.jpg
    coils and 35's.jpg
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That looks pretty good, you didn't need to trim anything in the rear?

not really, but i did just a bit anyways,, it was just the plastic trim piece, not any body metal,,

don't have the body lift, but Superlift, tt shackles, and 35's with minimal trimming on the front,,

did you do SOA in the back then? or does the superlift take care of the back? what did your total run you?

i have the rear superlift springs on there, and some home made shackles, for a total of about 6 inches of lift back there,,

here's the Superlift on 33's , no cutting ,,


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    33 no cut.jpg
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  • 33 no cut 2.jpg
    33 no cut 2.jpg
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here's the Superlift on 33's , no cutting ,,

Looks good man!
So with your superlift thats about $900 right? i saw the ohter thread we were talking in. is that what you used to get this. or is the coilovers in addition to the superlift for the smoother ride.

the full Superlift for both ends is over $2000 ,
the coilovers is an add on, i got lucky and bought a package deal,
but the brackets are about $250 , and the Fox Shocks are about $250 each plus springs,,

WOAH! yea i am not about to spend that much on this explorer lol. i think my TT/ shackles will do find for now.

Here is my 96 with 4 inch superlift, 3 inch body with 33 BFG mud terrains


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    7 inches.jpg
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Thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for. Any rub on your bumper or tupperware? I'll be running almost exactly what you have set up, just different wheels and tires.

Thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for. Any rub on your bumper or tupperware? I'll be running almost exactly what you have set up, just different wheels and tires.

Yeah I rub on the plastic fender flares, but i did swap mine out for the wider flares that are seen on explorers.

don't have the body lift, but Superlift, tt shackles, and 35's with minimal trimming on the front,,

I f#ckin dig this! Bad@ss!!!
