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4405 to 1354 e Conversion

@Brett - Im considering this Mod in my 97 sport. I plan on putting a manual conversion on the TC instead of using the electric motor. Are there any electronics that need to be swapped by adding the 1354e for it to function correctly?

My front suspension will also be changed to a SAS. My original 4405 makes noises and I'd like to 'replace' it with something else and get 2wd/4wd(H/L) respectively. There are quite a few 1354e units available here as the manual units are like looking for hen's teeth :)


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Hi spudhut, I've been out at SEMA this week. On your manual TC swap, you can tap the wires in the GEM for the 4x4 high and 4x4 low lights. On the tcase, it should have a switch and when you pull it, get the plug and some wiring.

GEM connector C282
pin 14 (GY) - 4x4 high indicator
pin 10 (LB/BK) - 4x4 low indicator

Also unplug the Torque on Demand (TOD) relay behind passenger airbag, as well as, the Electric Shift Control Module relay (gray plug behind radio).

Another thing you can do is get the GEM from a 2wd or v8 truck and the dash bezel that does not have the eshift selector.

Thanks for the reply Brett.

@Brett I'm sorry, I may have 'mis-stated' my post. I was going to pick up a 1354E TC and add manual controls to it.

After thinking long and hard about this over the weekend, I may just get the 1354E TC (from 91-94 Explorer or an 00-01 Explorer Sport (few in the area)) and do the electronic swap w/ switch on dash since there are many of them laying around here in my area. Since I have a sport, my only concern is making sure I can keep use of the rear window wiper as I use it quite often due to large amounts of moisture in the area, especially at this time of year.

I have read that i can pull a GEM from an 01'? Sport...not too sure.

I would prefer to have the 2Hi/4Hi/4Lo selections instead of the AWD setup that is currently stock.

Thanks again and sorry for the mis-information before. I hope this makes sense.

@Spudhut - the tcase you will want to use is 01-03 Sport, 01+ Ranger, 01-05 Sport Trac. Get the tcase, shift motor, 4x4 CM, and as much of the wiring from the 4x4cm as possible. Depending on the donor, the 4x4cm may be in the RH kick panel, or behind the stereo in the dash. It's possible to pull most of the wiring, but will likely need to cut some of it away. The GEM module from the donor truck is not the key to getting this swap to work.

Do get a GEM module from your same year 2wd or 5.0 truck.

For a nice touch, get the little indicator 2wd 4hi 4lo from the donor truck. Can JB weld this into your dash panel.

I've done several of these conversions using this setup. It works very well.

PM me your email and I can send you a file for the wiring details.
