4405 transfercase swap too 1354 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4405 transfercase swap too 1354


February 11, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Mesa, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 mangled jeep
just changed my 95 xlt transfercase from a 4405 to a 1354 took it to the lake and tried it out goes into 4 wheel good but my lights are freeking out the 4 low light comes on for a minute or so then goes off but truck is still in 4 low once in awhile all the lights come on 4 low 4 hi and o/d off but there blinking but again still engaged in 4 low and if i mess with the o/d button the o/d off light blinks and the tranny starts slipping but i reset the com. and it works great mechanically everything is good only having probs with the com. anyone have any ideas on how to fake the com. out thankyou

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DId you change it with a manual 1354? If so the GEM is not gonna know whats gonna on since previously you had a electronic controlled transfer case.

no there both electric shift the 4405 just has more sennsors

Well your GEM is all confused since it was designed to work with the 4405. Once you change out the transfer case with a different type, your GEM module will cause the 4x4 lights to blink since it can't interpret what the 1354 is signaling. I suggest going back to a 4405 or get a manual version of the 1354. The 1354 will still cause the lights to blink, the only thing you can do is just ignore it.

the problem with ignoreing it is its messing with the tranny making it slip and what is in the transfercase that messes with the o/d

what is the gem and where is it

You're not going to be able to make the 1354e work with the 95 GEM, 1354s have a dedicated 4x4 computer that controls them. You're best bet is to get a 1354 manual shift it'll definantly stay engaged but I don't know for 100% if thatll fix you're tranny issues. I know buchvilleman put a 1354m in his 95 and as far as i know he didnt have any tranny issues.

i used the shift moter from my 4405 and my 4x is staying engaged good its just the com. im worried about

I'm about to put a 1354 in to replace my 4405, just wondering if you got any of these issues resolved?

just use a manual shift and you will be fine
