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How to: BW 4405 Transfer Case Rebuild Diary - Comments, Questions and Input Thread

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TC rebuild kit


i was confident that i ordered the matching overhaulkit from rockauto (DT Components by Timken TCRK4405), but it does not fit. In my BW4405 there are 4 ball bearings and each of them has different diameters like this:

1. Ball Bearing NTN USA 6306V27 , 30mm inner dia, 72mm outer dia, 19mm width
2. Ball Bearing NTN USA 6207X9C3 ,35mm inner dia, 72mm outer dia, 17mm width
3. Ball Bearing NTN USA 6206 X15C3 , 30mm inner dia, 62mm outer dia, 16mm width
4. Ball Bearing Japan Nachi 6209A8N 45mm inner dia, 85mm outer dia, 19mm width, nut and snapring.

The rockauto kit contains 4 ball bearings and each one has nut and snapring
and two bearings are identical.
The other parts seals, bushing, needle bearing, gasket, fork inserts seems to fit.

Other online shops offer similar kits, sometimes with 5 bearings, but all of them made in ching-bum:mad:
Did someone knows where to order good matching ball bearings seperately (Timken or SKF) made in USA ?

Please help me, Europe is a service desert and Ford couldn't help me.



could you tell me the order of the disks and how the functioning of the disks in this transfer case?

thank you very much

Do you think a BW4405 transfer case can run smoothly for 1000 miles with chain scraping noise?
Attached video.
The noise appears even when the car is parked and the transmission is in Park.
Only this symptom, no others.
The transfer case was rebuilt 2 years ago and I haven't changed the chain. I know I should have changed the chain🤦🏻‍♂️
Would removing the front driveshaft help me complete this trip?
Today I tested it again and noticed that this noise only appears with the car stopped or when parking at low speed.
After accelerating on the road the transfer case becomes silent again.
Thanks in advance for any help.

What a horrible noise! Nothing will change this noise until the transfer case
will be opened again an change the worn out parts.
The chain seems to be stretched massively, if the chain is too long it will slide over.
To remove the frontshaft nothing will change this situation.
Maybe there are some other parts inside the TC which are in bad shape?
The disk and the shift fork with the plastic guides, the clutch pack, espsecially the
seat of the outgoing bearing (to the rear shaft) and the 3 sealing rings are known for problems.

regard Wolfgang

What a horrible noise! Nothing will change this noise until the transfer case
will be opened again an change the worn out parts.
The chain seems to be stretched massively, if the chain is too long it will slide over.
To remove the frontshaft nothing will change this situation.
Maybe there are some other parts inside the TC which are in bad shape?
The disk and the shift fork with the plastic guides, the clutch pack, espsecially the
seat of the outgoing bearing (to the rear shaft) and the 3 sealing rings are known for problems.

regard Wolfgang
After a few miles the noise has improved by 90%. The chain must have worn where it was making contact.
Now I can rebuild the transfer case correctly. Thank you

I thought the transfer case is not moving when the truck is parked

I have a 95 explorer 4dr eb. Tag says its a 4405. Is the front output always locked in. Selection is 2wd - 4wd auto - 4low.

1995 has a special front axle, activated with underpressure, disengaged at 2WD.

Transfer case electric shift

4WD Auto, the transfer case get 12V on the coil if needed, frontaxle is activated.

4WD low, transfer case is activated in low gear with front axle in motion.
Hope that is correct...

1995 has a special front axle, activated with underpressure, disengaged at 2WD.

Transfer case electric shift

4WD Auto, the transfer case get 12V on the coil if needed, frontaxle is activated.

4WD low, transfer case is activated in low gear with front axle in motion.
Hope that is correct...
In 2wd the front will diff will turn but the front output of the tc will not. Wether the vehicleis running or not. My other 95 xlt I can turn the front driveshaft by hand in 2wd . I know the xlt 4x4 works as my wife has had to use it. The eb has issues and is parked due to output speed sensor code. 4405 only had a cup of water in it when I first looked at it. It will drive but no speedometer and then once up to 55 or so it seems to slip out of gear. Solenoids are good thought maybe it may be the gear in the tc slipping or locked in
