4th Gen Dash Swap? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4th Gen Dash Swap?

but do the bolt in place where the 3rd gen dash does? just like the 4th gen seats they had to me modified to fit i would like to know whats involved.

i had a dash, door panel, center console and everything it would take pretty much. i was bidding on it on ebay and i figured i didn't wanna chance wasteing 600 bucks on something that may not fit. i would still like to do it some day but who knows when

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more involved then you might think...new head unit (4th gen is larger), new transmission linkage (for the shifter), new dash (thats not gauranteed to work w/o serious mods)....i can be done...but id bet its more of a custom job than a drop in thing...the seats would be realy easy thought.

more involved then you might think...new head unit (4th gen is larger

No, they are the same size, I have a 4th gen HU in my 3rd gen and it's exactly the same size

yeah plus i have an aftermarket headunit. to put the 4th gen seats in you have to modify the mounts to fit out truck. and modify the body of out trucks. thats what i'm saying they look like the same trucks but the bodys are different.

how are they the same size? my dads measures over an inch taller than the one out of my truck.

I don't know what truck your dad owns, but i'm 100 positive that my 3rd gen hu is the same size that the 4th gen hu i installed it also the same size as the one on my 2nd gen

The gen 4 dash is awful, I would suggest not swapping. It's just a bunch of hard panels that will end up coming loose and rattling. It's a typical American dash. The 2s and 3s had a solid, cushioned dash.

Just my opinion though.

No, they are the same size, I have a 4th gen HU in my 3rd gen and it's exactly the same size
i know this was 13 years ago but i wanna put a stock 09-10 sync navigation unit into my 05, that should fit, correct?
