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4x4 issues


June 25, 2010
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06 EB
Hi all,

Last week I picked up a used Explorer 06 EB 4.0 4x4 from a importer in the Dominican Republic. Believe it or not, after searching for 2 months and approx 25 vehicles later (looking at Explorers / Cherokees), this was the only car I could find which matched the Carfax (mileage / accident) report exiting the USA.
Anyway... not feeling confident about the 4x4 system, I ask the importer to look at the 4x4 as it felt like it was always engaged. (I should point out that I have only paid him half the money and will not pay him the balance until the title is in my name, during which time he has to also rectify any problems with the car. After this...all bets are off.)
2 days later, the car returned and did indeed feel lighter at the front. However, it always felt light, even when I engaged 4x4 Hi. So, took the car to local mechanic with a ramp and jacked it up. The importers solution to the problem was to remove the front drive shaft :mad: .
So, took the car back last Friday and got it back on Tuesday and it now feels like when I first received it. Took the car to the local mechanic ramp and started the engine and sure enough, it is always in 4x4 when 4x4 Auto is selected, although the mechanic did indicate that there was not a consistent pressure to the front wheels. He is also thinks that 4x4 Lo is not working. What do I know? All I see is all 4 wheels turning in the air and can hear the gears click from the transmission when Lo is selected.
I have a window of 10 days left before the balance is paid and title transferred to solve this and have booked to take the car back next Tuesday to solve this.
Is this behavior normal on a ramp? is there anything else I should be looking at?
Thanks in advance!

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Over complicated question 4x4?

Perhaps I over complicated my question re: 4x4. Would really appreciate any help on this as I am returning to the dealer in the morning.

In short...on a 2006 4.0 4x4 EB, should all four wheels be turning under acceleration when it is on a ramp in 4x4 Auto mode?



I could be wrong, but, I would say, yes, they should all be turning in 4x4 Auto. If all 4 wheels are off the ground, the rear wheels are certainly "slipping," which would engage the 4x4 automatically.

Thanks edwx for your help,
I left the car with the dealer today and thinking about your reply, it makes sense.

Not sure if this post is dead, but I was curious about the same thing, so I took my 2005 X to my mechanic.

To my surprise, with 4x4 AUTO and the truck lifted, only the back wheels would spin. I would then engage 4x4 HIGH, and then all wheels would spin. I did it back and forth a few times, and each time, AUTO only spun the back 2 wheels.

So, who knows. Hopefully you figure yours out.

Thanks JHG, I 'borrowed' another Explorer with the same spec as mine and it behaved the same way that mine did, so I figure that all is ok.

Hmm, so wonder if mine is screwed?? Lol.

Oh well, glad your's is good.

I doubt it, I think every vehicle that comes in to the DR from the US has some sort of issue. When I removed the panel to change my head unit, I noticed that the 4x4 wires had been 'looked at'. You have no idea how many cars left the USA with 150k+ miles, but show 44k+ miles on the clock or salvage titles / flood damaged. For me it was 1 in 25 which checked out ok. Still convinced that mine is not acting as it should, but it is getting me from A to B smoothly.....so far :)

JH....now that you mention it, you sound correct. Wheels turning are different from wheels slipping, which is what the sensor detects. With the vehicle in the air it makes sense, now that I think about it, that only the two rear wheels would turn. On the ground or in the air, they are just 'turning,' and the vehicle thinks everything is ok. Just my .02 worth.

That's what I was thinking as well. Maybe the newer, 06+ work differently, since Sandy is having both X's turn all 4 wheels. Who knows. When I tested it, I didn't give much gas either, maybe 15 MPH if that, which maybe kept the auto on 2wd only. That may be completely incorrect, but alas, as long as the wheels keep turning.

That's what I was thinking as well. Maybe the newer, 06+ work differently, since Sandy is having both X's turn all 4 wheels. Who knows. When I tested it, I didn't give much gas either, maybe 15 MPH if that, which maybe kept the auto on 2wd only. That may be completely incorrect, but alas, as long as the wheels keep turning.

It seems like a complicated system. I'd think it would sense when one wheel is moving much faster than the other and then engage 4WD possibly, but then that doesn't account for when both rear wheels are spinning. I don't know...:D

This afternoon, I had a play on the beach. Kept it on 4x4 Auto, floored the accelerator and the rear wheels would spin for about 1-1.5 sec (front wheels not moving) before the car moved off. Tried it on 4x4high and no spin at all. I need to try this again with the traction control off to see if their is any difference.

I tried this back in 2006 on my lift at work. on first try, the rears spun about 1 rotation before fronts engaged. Subsequent attempts had immediate front axle action like it had never disengaged. I was checking to see how long it would stay in 4wd after an ingagement, never found out!

There is no 2wd mode or button in my 09. When it senses slip it locks the front end in instantly. I don't think you will see the rears only spinning at any time. I learned this when it snowed, no 2wd donuts...

On a long run yesterday to go to the most isolated beach in the country (2hrs highway - achieved 18.2mpg av) followed by the worst dirt track and flooded roads (45 min), very deep soft sand (20 min), I didn't get stuck anywhere, so I am not going to worry about it and just accept that I am not going to get bogged down anywhere sometime soon! Thanks all for your input.
This is my first American built car, normally I have tended to go for European cars, but am really happy with the ride and performance so far.
Most importantly at a service last week, 2 tyres, 2 new ball joints, new front breaks, oil change, air filter, new wiper blades came in at $US740, 2 tyres on my now drowned and dead x5 alone would set me back about $US1,000!
