5.0 AWD Tranny ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 AWD Tranny ?

October 9, 2002
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City, State
Long Island, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Mountaineer
I just bought a 97 mountaineer with the 5.0 and AWD and have like 1,500 miles left on the warranty. When I slow down when the tranny downshifts from second to first I can hear and feel a small bang. My passengers don't notice it but they don't drive it every day. I was wondering if I should worry about this or if it is some what normal. It has 64,000 miles on it. Thanks in advance, Steve

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Have you checked the fluid level? When was the last time the tranny was flushed/filter changed?? The tranny w/the 5.0 is less prone to failure than the weaker al4d's and variants.

I checked the fluid today and it was red and didn't smell burnt. I have like a 1,000 miles left on the warranty. I'm guessing that the fluid has probably never been changed or changed once. It still has all original plugs, wires, and hoses. I was wondering if I should get the B&M shift kit. Also what aftermarket tranny coolers do you guys reccomend? Thanks

if the tranny is in working order you should get the baumann kit. it works wonderfully! as for the clunk, mine had that a little bit too but only at very low speeds (like coming to a stop sign) and it was very subtle. if it is anything more than that have it checked out. otherwise either have it serviced (fully flushed and refilled with a new filter), or buy the kit and service it/have it serviced at the same time the kit goes in! good luck

Sounds to me like your rear driveshaft slip yoke needs to be greased. Do a search on it.

mine does the same thing with 32k on it... i dont know what it is but i have taken it to ford a few times and they see nothing wrong with it.. i will be taking it ina gin soon

is this an audible clunk or just a feeling? I've had mine doing many many weird things for about a year or so now.. my 2nd tranny's warranty went out about 2k miles ago. I've been to ford more than like 5 times telling them somethings up, and a 3rd party, just about the tranny. Whats more I've been to lots of shops investigating its sluggish-ness.

I finally took it to have it dynod.. after 5 shops say its fine (tranny and engine) and the dyno numbers came back as they should.. I guess its nothing to worry about.

If you're concerned about it tho, have a 3rd party transmission shop drive it, thats usually a check. If they suspect anything at all (and not "we'll fix it for ya" anything.. a legitimate potential problem) go back to ford and have them try and open it up.. dont let them give you the "we drove it and we think its fine so we're not doing anything else" bullsh!t that they gave me too many times.

GL. the 4R70W IMO is not a very good tranny. It has too many problems for its own good. btw I'm at 68k miles on my truck for a comparison.

Originally posted by expo5.0
if the tranny is in working order you should get the baumann kit. it works wonderfully! as for the clunk, mine had that a little bit too but only at very low speeds (like coming to a stop sign) and it was very subtle. if it is anything more than that have it checked out. otherwise either have it serviced (fully flushed and refilled with a new filter), or buy the kit and service it/have it serviced at the same time the kit goes in! good luck

I was also thinking of a shift-kit, do you know the difference between the B&M and the Baumann kits and why you prefer the Baumann?


It is mostly just the feeling of a clunk, every once in a while I can hear it. Its not really major but I don't want it to turn into something major in the future. Is the Bauman kit like the B&M with the switch or is it completely different. Also will the shift kit increase the life of the tranny? And the last thing what kind of tranny coolers are you guys running?

the buamann is a "real" shift kit, and not an electronic programmer like the B&M. in other words, drop the pan to install.

yes, a shift kit will extend the life of a tranny (either electronic or "real".

i forgot the brand, but im running what i like to refer to as "the fiero radiator" sized tranny cooler on mine, in-line with the stock tranny cooler. it is friggin' huge.

on a side note, next fluid change im installing the baumann kit, to run along with my B&M controller. i will install stage 3 (the kit comes 1-5) per FrankRizzo's suggestion. stage 3 of the kit should give nice firm (streetable) shifts with the B&M on the stock setting, and shift like a rabid dog with the B&M switch on 2 or 3...

just outta curiosity, why do you feel the need to get a tranny cooler? do you offroad or pull trailers or something?

wont some performance chips also act as a sort of electronic shift kit as well?

Originally posted by DarkFox1
just outta curiosity, why do you feel the need to get a tranny cooler? do you offroad or pull trailers or something?

wont some performance chips also act as a sort of electronic shift kit as well?
yup, they sure do.

look at my avatar. does it look like im "nice" to my explorer? does it look like im really all that concerned about parts longevity? i got a tranny cooler cuz its cheap insurance. it extends the life of a tranny BIGTIME. heat is the #1 killer of an automatic transmission. you dont have to tow or go offroad to reap the benefits of one...

hrmm.. well my old '67 parts truck came with a tranny cooler thats in like new condition, its a little radiator lookin thing.. would something like that even be worth it?

I am getting an apten chip, so it should help my tranny as far as shifting.. that'd be great, the 4r70w takes like 10 seconds to realize it even needs to downshift.. by then you've alreayd dropped 10mph

as cheap as a cooler is ($28-40) i wouldnt mess with the parts-truck cooler. you just really have no way of knowing how old it is, how clogged up it is, etc. good luck with the Apton, so far it seems to be an awesome chip, and the guy seems to really know his stuff. if you still dont like the way it shifts, keep the B&M in mind. its super cheap, easy to install, will work great with a chip, and has a stock setting.

BTW- with the B&M in the stock setting, mine still downshifts in about .5 seconds. just something to think about.

Originally posted by 5.0 Mountaineer
When I slow down when the tranny downshifts from second to first I can hear and feel a small bang.

Hey Steve - I have 36K on my 5.0 tranny and I have the exact same thing. I just took it in and they spent 5 hours (that's what the invoice said - 5hrs labor!) trying to diagnose a problem, but everything came up normal. I think it's just a 5.0 trademark - and I don't worry about it anymore.

Good luck!


How much does the baumann kit cost and about how long does it take to install. Thanks for the help

Originally posted by 5.0 Mountaineer
I just bought a 97 mountaineer with the 5.0 and AWD and have like 1,500 miles left on the warranty.

Originally posted by 5.0 Mountaineer
I checked the fluid today and it was red and didn't smell burnt. I have like a 1,000 miles left on the warranty.

Wow... you do quite a bit of driving in like a lil over 24 hrs? 500 miles?
Hmmm :rolleyes:

Yes I do, I had to take a trip upstate to pick up my sister from college.

full baumann retail is 175, and install should be well under three hours if you're a complete novice.

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