5.0 from late model to earley model? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 from late model to earley model?

I remember hearing some one did a swap from a late model 5.0 explorer to a earley explorer can some one point me to the thread? i need some info.........:banghead:

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Kris the moderator is working on it. Most people get the 5.0's from mustangs or ford trucks... search the Conversions forum... lots of info is available.

I tried the search, no joy there. :banghead:
It's hard to nail down specific info all i want to know is will a AOD bolt up to a explorer 5.0 or do you have to swap the T-case too, I can buy a rolled 96 5.0 X for $3000.00 cdn so i could have all the parts cheap what what elese would i need?

Yes, AOD bolts to the 302 block, but the T case will require An Adapter. A/A unit is around 700 or 800 dollars. You will have to have AOD rebuilt to get the new input shaft installed so the T/C will fit. Roughly thats 2K worth of stuff.....

Well I can help you with that. I have the motor from a 96 Explorer. But here are the problems you will have doing this.

The Newer Explorers run on the ODB II computer set up the 91-94 run on ODB I . The only thing that will work from the Explorer will be the Motor and the Front accessories. The Wiring and Computer from the Explorer will not work. You need to get either a Mustang wiring harness and computer or a Ford racing wiring and computer. The oil pan is not the one you will need either.

Good Points of this Motor:

You can find them with lower mileage
A truck Cam
GT 40 Heads
Better Flow intake
can use a Clutch Fan (better cooling)

What year of AOD should i look for and what kind of vehicle would i find it in?
Are there any other tranny mods that need to be done than the AA kit?
Maybe one day some one will hammer out all the details and put up a page with all (or most) of this great info, All i can say is thanks alot you guys seem to know alot more about this stuff than any one i talk to local.:confused:

Some info....

Price.. So Far

Motor & Shipping $1600
306 CI, freshly built plus a few extras thrown in for the conversion. Double hump Oil Pan,All Accessories mounts,Hi Flow water pump, etc.

Tranny $1300
Rebuilt No Core charge Over the counter. Included a Torque Converter and the linkage to fit a late Model V8 explorer for shifting.

Advanced Adapters $575
I got the 50-8404 9" adapter. This includes the new outut shaft so the T-fer case will fit. Should put the Transfer Case about 1" maybe 1/12" longer than stock. My drive shaft was very close to being to short after the 5.5" lift so I may not need a new back shaft. The front one may be in trouble....

This is some of the info from my orginal thread over 13 months ago. I went to http://www.phoenixtrans.com/ and ordere the AOD from them. I had Advance Adapters send the adapter kit striaght to them and they sent me the tranny complete. Not sure what year it is, can't remember. The tranny shop can help you.

Advice **** Here's what I've learned over the year on doing my own conversion. I think if I had it all to do over again, I would by a complete Donor vehicle. 87 to 93 stangs with high milage can be found for less than 1K. V8 Explorers run closer to 3K. You get all the misc. stuff and brackets this way. The A/A adapter should bolt upto the donor tranny ( check with A/A first ) so your t-case should work. The things that have killed me so far are the small brackets and bolts.

Good Luck with your conversion. My should be running in a few weeks.

Mine should be running next fall:bounce:
