55mph, apten downshifts and im pinging the 'rev limiter' | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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55mph, apten downshifts and im pinging the 'rev limiter'


Well-Known Member
December 12, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
norwich, ct
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
hey guys, its been a while but i need some more advice =/

i was driving down rt 12 in eastern ct when someone in front of me starts turning left, i go to pass them on the right because theres more than enough room and as soon as my truck downshifts i start pinging off 5k. now i dont have a working 1/2/D/R. the drive shaft doesnt move at all and 4wd hasnt worked for some time...

please tell me theres some possibility of this being a cheap fix =]

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ummmm i dont think anyone understand you... do you mean to say that the tranny isnt downshifting?? maybe you could clarify a little more

i think what he said was that he tried to pass someone but the transmission shifted to neutral when it should have downshifted, then proceeded to get stuck in neutral.. maybe..

vrytired said:
i think what he said was that he tried to pass someone but the transmission shifted to neutral when it should have downshifted, then proceeded to get stuck in neutral.. maybe..

or maybe he means his t-case is stuck in neutral...

sorry about that, i was a bit tired at the time.

so my tranny downshifted, and now its "stuck" in neutral. no drive shaft movement at all. a while back my 4wd dissapeared, so im hoping this might be a transfer case problem, as opposed to the death of my transmission. im gonna have it towed to a shop tomorrow (hopefully).

my engine also sounds a bit rougher, not sure what that means...

ill keep this updated, when it gets diagnosed

sounds like a tcase problem that just happened at the same time... this exact situation happened to a coworker of mine with his early first gen... however his is a clutch and we figure that went out as well..... try pulling the tcase shift motor and see if you can force the tcase into gear or not

id be nice if that was the problem, i cant afford to drop 1.2k+ on a rebuild kit/labor. i imagine there's a few threads on this? ill try searching, but if you know of one, it'd be great if you could respond w/ it =]

probably a stupd suggestion but put the tranny in park then try and push/roll it. if the t-case is in neutral it should roll around right?

vrytired said:
probably a stupd suggestion but put the tranny in park then try and push/roll it. if the t-case is in neutral it should roll around right?


hm. its parked on a pretty steep hill right now, with no ebrake. so i guess that's a negative :(

got it towed (free) today by the transmission shop. all they said was it was an internal problem (big suprise) and tomorrow a friend of mine gets off vacation, so he'll drop it and tear it apart. :(

just got a call from the transmission shop. apparently i snapped my overdrive shaft, destroying everthing in my transmission. its gonna be $2234.00 to fix. i think it might be time to say bye bye to the x :(

if you just snapped the shaft.... and thats all... you should be able to just replace that shaft and put some new seals in and call her good..... i doubt the broken shaft took out anything .... the price they are quoting you is a full rebuild.... and is kinda high in my opinion.... you should be able to get a rebuilt tranny off ebay and have it put in for less than a grand.....

how mechanicly inclined are you? my rebuild cost me 286.00 with a new torque convertor

im not against doing the work myself, but all i have is a patch of dirt across the street where i can work on my truck. jacking it up can be a bit scary, being soft ground and all, even if i lay down wood first. they said it's 2234 for a replacement core and whatever else they need. i have them looking for "quality used parts" right now, and i should hear from the by monday.

the master kit is cheap and if you need a convertor they arent too bad either i got mine from ATC 18006333343 ext 267
