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5R55S swap

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Trans Update

31May2007 (Thurs)- Been working with PTCS and Russ has been incredible with his dealer support and making this project happen. We have started tuning and I actually have driven the truck the last two days in a row datalogging, assisting timing for the solenoids. I believe we have it figured out and once this is corrrect I will start the tuning on the shift points,shift firmness,etc. This part of the process is slow and go but I have the patience needed. I also have an incredible source for tech and he has done everything to work with my schedule(after hours) to assist with initial setup. I thank Russ for that!!!!!!

Exhaust Pics

Attached is the complete y-pipe (thanks Jakee!) and the associated piping from y-pipe to the ball and socket over the axle.


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More exhaust pics



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But what about emissions?!?!? :p: Hehehehehe.

Were those ball joints made or bought complete? I bought a 2.5" pair for about $35 on eBay last year. The OEM type of ball joints make great unions for exhaust sections.

Looks pretty good! One thing I've learned: V-band clamps pretty much suck. And are expensive. These ball and flanges are way better. Nice work there James.

Rocket - talking about emmisions....The other day me and my boys went to home depot to pick up some 10' long 2X10's. I had to leave the rear hatch open because the boards were a bit to long to close. I honestly thought we were all gonna be found dead on the side of the highway. There's a suction formed on our x's and all that exhaust was finding it's way back into my truck. Needless to say, I'll be using a cat on my new set-up. Just doesn't feel right dumping all that crap in the world to me. But, I'm no tree hugger either.

I look forward to seeing that this thing is gonna do with the new tranny and the upped boost!

Looks pretty good! One thing I've learned: V-band clamps pretty much suck. And are expensive. These ball and flanges are way better. Nice work there James.

Rocket - talking about emmisions....

Yeah the V-bands don't really allow for any flex. The ball flanges do. They allow for flex and a little bit of adjustability which sometimes is what is needed to get things perfectly placed. I plan to primarily use ball flanges when doing the hot side of the turbo setup for the LS.

Hey guys we all know each other around here. Please call me Rob, not Rocket. I call you Jake, I call jah James, and I call jtsmith Jon... I swear you and James are goofy like that. James knows me pretty well now and he still calls me rocket... Hehehe. :p:

Ditto Rob, I prefer real names just because I cannot spell most of the user names anyway.

Were those ball joints made or bought complete? I bought a 2.5" pair for about $35 on eBay last year. The OEM type of ball joints make great unions for exhaust sections.
I had these made locally,but were more expensive then I could've gotten them for by MAC. I personally made the bolt flanges.If anyone needs ball and sockets I can sell them very reasonable. I could very well match the ebay prices and they would be very good quality pieces.

Hey guys we all know each other around here. Please call me Rob, not Rocket. I call you Jake, I call jah James, and I call jtsmith Jon... I swear you and James are goofy like that. James knows me pretty well now and he still calls me rocket... Hehehe. :p:

:bsnicker: Rocket, what did you say?

Drove the truck around this weekend, around 35-40 miles. I am finalizing the tuning on the tranny and figuring how to time solenoids,shift firmness,etc. I believe I am really gonna like this tranny. The exhaust (with no muffler) is really loud!!!!!:eek: I will get some vids of it in the near future.

One thing I failed to mention is that with this new y-pipe & piping arrangement, my truck is spooling sooooo fast. I even pulled around 3psi boost just climing a hill at 30% throttle position and 2250rpm. WOW! This has never happened before. I had to look at my logging twice! Cant wait to get this thing final tuned and get to the track to see what she puts across the time boards!:burnout:

Okay Rob. Just wasn't sure if you wanted everyone knowing your real name.

James - Seems like it's starting to turn around for you now. Good job. I was wondering about the Ball flanges you had there. Sorry I didn't send you any with the pipe. The next will have them with it.

Yeah, I can't wait to see what this puppy will do. I envy you and Rob, I'm jealous, and want to turbo mine in a bad way. I have to be patient.

Okay Rob. Just wasn't sure if you wanted everyone knowing your real name.

No problem Jake. I tried to fit my name in my damn sig but it was all too long. I had to either cut allot of my mods out to fit it or not. Even now I cannot fit all my major mods in my sig which was why I had to take the LS completely out. :(

Make links to threads or website pages where the mods are.

Rob - Just change your sig to say "A crapton of boost".
That's all that's needed.

Tuning Screenshots

Things are really starting to come together now on the trans tuning. Just when you thought you were a tuner something comes along and knocks you on your aXX. As previously stated this tranny has never been tuned by PCS with a standalone so I am definately in unchartered territory. The guys at PCS have been exceptional and I completely recommend them for your standalone needs. I worked on tuning the truck last night removing some of the flares on certain shifts and working on the shift firmness. The tranny is really starting to feel "normal". I was able to do a few 50% throttle pulls and I definately feel I will have the ticket to lower elapsed times once the final dial in is done and I am able to make it to the track. I wanted to enclose a few snapshots of the tuning and also wanted you to see what is having to be dealt with in the datalogs. Enjoy the screenshots
1st pic-Communications menu (where you decide which tunefile and connectivity of the unit to the laptop)
2nd pic-basic dashboard while vehicle is connected/online (current state-offline)
3rd pic-snap shot of my actual datalog last night,not every part is seen in the logs just a small portion currently.
4th pic-snap shot of tuning software. Sorry nothing is opened due to my tuning parameters being revealed!:burnout:


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that one chart looks like something my 2 year old daughter colored for me the other night.
