85bronco2man reiter carnage | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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85bronco2man reiter carnage


Well-Known Member
February 23, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
bothell wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
1985 bronco 2
well i went to reiter last weekend to test out my iroks and double man did i have a blast decided to do lake isabel man that was awsome got about half way up it just getting to the fun stuff i broke a rear axle not really sure what happend there yet i should have it apart tonight lol so we decided to turn around lol this is were it gets interesteing well there was this log in the path and i decided to play monster truck and gas it lol i think this is were i crushed my brake line which blew out thankfully i had the doubler to use the gears to get down so after that i got stuck on some huge bolders about 30" tall lol yeah this was rock crawling trail so had to literly us my winch to lift the front of the bronco up and pivit over andways so then a little further down we here this like tire rubbing so i stoped i had managed to tear the steel and sheer off 3 grade 8 bolts that held my radius arm in lol so i had a full floating front axle :eek:so i hooked the winch to the front of the axle and a come a long to the back and was able to make it the 2 hour trip back to the trailer lol :thumbsup:

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Ouch!!!! :eek:

lol i forgot to mention i almost floped on the side like 4 time and got really scary specialy without 5 point when i went down a leg a littlgle to fast comming down a steep hill and it was a lil bigger than i expected and both back tires came of the ground a good foot lol made my buddie who was spotting me jump out the way i almost exdo'd it lol :D

wow i'm so glad it did not screw my spool up

That is an impressively clean break. Does it show any signs of twiting of or did it just snap?

it just snaped but there is signs of crystalizing aka oxidising so it had some micro cracs in the center is the only spot it looks like it twisted off
